Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Care.
I know personal choice but is it necessary to give calpol after 12 month jabs - how many times?
So my 3 month old usually has 6oz per feed as and when he wants. Recently he has been refusing his milk and only have 3oz the most each feed. He’s also teething. He’s also spitting up a lot more milk and after having a feed now has vomited. During the night he is constantly screaming like he is in pain. He’s current...
My little boy has never really had a solid poo. They are always soft or mushy. He is still in nappies but will go on the potty for a wee. I really want to get him toilet trained but I’m concerned the soft stools may be the problem. I’ve taken him to the GP who ruled him as healthy and advised to try and cut out food...
Can someone who got this before their flight share how and whom do we approach for one? Any details about how to approach the NHS for this certificate. I am flying around 27-29 weeks, easyJet, and want to have this certificate just in case I’m asked. Thanks
Newborn who may be lactose intolerant 🤷♀️ Any advice would be grand
Any ideas? I’ve noticed over the past week my 17 month olds breath has been a bit stinky, especially in the night. For reference I’m a dental nurse so I don’t think it’s an oral hygiene issue! I brush her teeth twice a day. I thought maybe tonsils? But no signs of being unwell at the moment.
Nothing is cutting it like a bowl of cereal at the moment 😂
I received an MIB report on myself that states I had a life insurance policy back in May 2019 that I have NO IDEA about. I've never applied for life insurance nor have I ever had a policy in my name. So, I'm sooo confused right now & it's a lil scary. Has this ever happened to anyone before?
Those who got their babies vaccinated. Do you get them all or excluded some?
Has anybody used a pelvic support belt to help with pain? Did you find it useful? I’ve been struggling with bump pain, a stretching pain over the top of my bump especially at the end of the day or when I’ve been on my feet a lot. I know the belts are more designed to help pelvic and back pain so I asked my midwife ...
I’m suspecting my fiancé of cheating we have a child due next month and wanted to put him to the test, will anyone be willing to help me ( preferably black woman as that is his type)
Since about 2 months my baby has only pooped once a week. The last few days he's started going more often, today it's been 4 so far. He's also dribbling lots so I wonder if it is teething related? Or does it sound like diarrhoea?
Hello, Just wondering if anyone has any advice for constipation? My son last emptied his bowels on Saturday... he keeps trying to go and is going red in the face, breaking wind etc but nothing is happening. He's 15 weeks today and is bottle fed. Any advice would be appreciated to get him going. We will be going ...
15 weeks old and has started pooing green? Is this normal? Been to a osteopath to fix his alignments and he had tension round his abdomen so dont know if its shifted some older stuff?
My little boy is due to have his posterior TT cut on Saturday and I’m praying it improves feeding. Has anyone got any positive experiences or stories of tongue tie cuts?
I’ve just noticed in my badger notes an appointment has been made for me tomorrow to have the RSV vaccine. I’m not sure if I want it. I haven’t with my last two kids & they’re fine. Does anyone know any fors or against it?
Has anyone used one? Would you recommend? Struggling with round ligament pain and seem to be giving myself stitches form walking too fast 😅 just wondering if they might help with this. The BabyGo ones seem to get good reviews. Is 20 weeks too soon to be using one?!
I’ve bought oilatum to use in my daughter’s bath, she’s 6 months, should I use bath her and use daily, or better to do every other day?
Anyone else having to fight their GP for CMPA formula (to trial as suggested by my HV). My first had it and I think I have been “blessed” with my second having it too. He has the same symptoms and even more (my first never had the rash but my second is covered in it). First I was told “oh he’s just trying to poop” ...
At what age do you start to use a play mat and they being more interactive with it?