Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Care.

I just don’t understand how they don’t understand it.

They get to shower without fear of the house imploding or any one getting hurt, we have to ask to shower, not cause we need permission, but because we’d like to secure our child’s safety. But damn, they really are not capable of fucking watching their own kids. And they don’t understand where the frustration about i...


Green frothy poop

Any mommas experience like green foamy poop in their baby? My son had pink eye last week and just finished using the antobiotic eye drops this Tuesday. He has also some sort of cold so he’s experiencing congestion , a slight cough and runny nose which started at the same time he got pink eye. Ever since he’s been si...


So confused about my sicky baby

How come she vomits everywhere for ages after her feed in the day and we go through multiple bibs and outfit changes due to her projectile vomiting. Doesn’t matter how upright or still I try keep her, it always happens. But on a night I can put her straight back down after a feed, change her nappy and she’s never b...


3months old

Dark green poop slimy with yellow seeds what does it mean also she is crying more then her usual self



My two months old son coughed twice today on his milk so bad that he had a very sharp inhale like he couldn't breathe and I'm so worried..


Colicky baby

Anyone else have a colicky baby?? Really tryinh not to breakdown everyday with all of this crying 😅



6 month old is passing hard clay like poop. What can I give them to help?



I am having physio and seeing a chiropractor for my pgp however I’ve got to a point where I can barely walk. Can’t turn over in bed or get on/off seat without support. What will midwives do if I’m doing everything to “help” it but it’s getting worse. I’m 28 weeks 4 days


constipated baby (advice pls)

my baby is 5 months old and this is day 4 no poop, i’ve given him water between feeds, warm bath, tummy compress, massages etc. he’s starting to get quite uncomfortable and i’m getting worried, he’s still passing gas though but no poo!! any tips on what to give him to poop?



Anyone newborn choking while feeding?


After vaccine

My LO had their vaccine today and was ok initially but then started screaming and all day cannot be put down. Has had the 2 doses of calpol so far and temp has got to 38.3. Will likely do 3rd dose in the night but he sleeps in my arms and then no matter how long I leave him there he cannot be transferred. Is that no...


Ondansetron constipation

Any advice for managing this?


Health visitor

I have had a letter through to say I have a health visitor coming in the beginning of January and I was just wondering if anyone knows what kind of happens when they come xx


Baby hates bath time/bed with partner

Someone please send some practical tips. My partner bathes/puts my little one to bed very rarely as he’s usually working. This last week or so she has screamed until she’s either sick or trembling and got so worked up when he tries to do it. She’s never shown a preference before this to either parent. It’s so upsett...


C section babies tummy help

Hi mamas - I know babies born via c section don’t get the good gut bacteria that vaginal birth babies do, so what has helped your babies?? I know probiotics but I want to do everything I can to help her body create a good strong digestive system. So if you have any tips, please share!!


Is it serious if the 16 week vaccinations are pushed back 4 weeks?

So my daughters 16 week jabs were meant to be today, but they sent us away because we were 5 minutes late due to our taxi not showing up until 20 minutes after we booked it, and also the queue at the front desk taking so long due to there only being one person at reception. So we did everything to ensure we got ther...


Hates baths

Anyone else’s little one hate the bath screams kicks and hits or just mine? She used to love them 😩



I almost lost my little girl in a Walmart parking lot because the driver wasn’t looking and was eager to get to her parking spot. I’m so traumatized right now I never want to ever leave the house again. My mom instinct kicked in instantly and I looked around and saw her coming and swerve the baby stroller so fast....


Extremely gassy baby

What can I eat?? My baby is 3 months old and for the last couple weeks she has just been so incredibly gassy. I cut out dairy but she's still gassy. I'm now cutting out caffeine, spices, carbonated drinks, and wheat as my hubby said those can cause it as well. What can I eat so she's not so gassy and fussy?


Mucous poo

Do your little ones poops only get mucous in it when they’ve had milk or does it sometimes happen when they’re unwell as well? My little one is poorly at the minute with a cold and I can’t tell if it’s because they’re poorly or if they’ve had something that’s had milk in


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