Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Care.


My little boy has suddenly came down with HFMD today, he is due to see his nan tomorrow. Is it still safe for her to come round or do I cancel? Also any advice regarding HFMD treatments greatly welcomed, my boy is really uncomfortable! X



Hi I know this is random but I’m just trying to settle something, do you think it’s a lot if your partner goes out 3 times a week while your home with the baby every single day? And he rarely (if ever) does bed and bath time or anything like that


Excessive grunting

My baby was born last month on november 2024 and I wanted to ask after the first week , he began making these grunting noises and seeming in discomfort. he would grunt more at night I have googled the symptoms and it seems to be because of trapped gas. He will grunt excessively and let out fart or poo. Has anyone el...


Baby(8 mo) really suffering with constipation

Not sure what else to try. Tried giving her more water, puréed pears, puréed prunes, warm bath and lots of baby massages, bicycle legs and moving hips in a circular motion. It’s released some farts but no poops. 😫


Babies poo

Heya my baby is 6 months on the 3rd and i have started to change for over to formula from breast milk she is currently having one bottle a day for the last 3 days. She is very very irritated and gassy and will often just keep pulling her legs up screaming (this has been happening since she was born tbh but has g...


Big question

If you were told to give up your right to have firearms- the whole country- no more guns whatsoever- and there will be no more school shootings. Would you do it.


Tough 3 months growth spurt

Is it normal for my baby to be having a tough 3 month growth spurt she seems bloated and very fussy and uncomfortable. The only way to calm her is to rock her and feedings.


is it normal for a 1 year old to strain while pooping?

my lo often strains and the stools are solid. Sometimes scanty. I am rrally concerned. Should I seek GP appointment? What diet should she be having at this stage? She normally has an egg in the vreakfast or pancakes, puree made with yogurt banana and blueberries. mashed potatoe+boiled chicken + broccoli mushed toget...


17 month age gap

I have both boys. I’m struggling with what to get the younger one for Xmas, we obviously have toys from my older one so he has everything and more. Developmental and fun toys so I feel bad as it seems as though he will get next to nothing. Any ideas?



my 1 month old hasn’t pooped in 3 days, he seems a little unsettled, he’s farting loads but just not pooping. could he be constipated, hes combination feeding but mostly breastfed, the other night he did mostly formula and im thinking that might be why?


8 week immunisations

My little girl gets her first set of jags tomorrow. My HV told me to get calpol which I have got. do I give her the calpol before the injections or after? How often do I give it to her? Any advice welcome, I’m so nervous about it


Breastfed baby won’t poo

It’s been 4 days now, Iv eaten more fruits and veg, drank more water, had porridge and fibre. Iv tried bicycle legs and massage but nothing is working. Advice please


Postpartum bath?

Hi lovelies! I gave birth just over 3 weeks ago and had a 3rd degree tear. I was advised not to have a bath around 2 weeks ago, but surely I can have one now? All is healing well and I have no soreness or pain anymore! I just need a bath in my life🥺



One month old and he just won’t burp today 🙈 clearly getting quite uncomfortable with it and crying a lot more than usual. Has anyone got any great tips? Is infacol worth getting?


Protein in wee

Has anyone else had trace protein in wee at 22 weeks midwife appointment?


Throwing up

My baby girl is 12 weeks old and since we've changed a formula from cow and gate comfort to aptamil, she's been throwing up a lot more (curled milk sometimes). She was constipated, so she was prescribed from gp and now dirty diapers every 2 to 3 days. Is this a sign of intolerance or allergy


12m jabs

Hi , how did everyone get their 12m old to take their jabs ? My 13m has his tomorrow, and he is very hyper aware of his surroundings and I’m dreading it .


Help with gassy baby

My baby is 7 weeks old and is extremely gassy. Her diet is exclusively breastmilk and she breastfeeds most of the day. Her dad gives her a bottle of pumped breastmilk in the morning so I can sleep in a little. She hates bicycle kicks. She stiffens her legs so I cant do them She gets mylicon drops every 2-3 hours a...



Anyone else had this situation My boy has thrush they gave him nystan which hasn’t helped- then they gave him miconazol which is discontinued so they put him on nystan again which hasn’t cleared it again, so now they said there’s nothing else he can have and we just have to keep wiping his tongue?


Health visitor

My 5mo had her last visit when she was a newborn. When would be her next check up? How do I know she’s feeding and growing well?


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