Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Care.
The time for our babies turning 1 and the next round of vaccines, are you avoiding them, pushing the off or getting one versus others? I’m driving myself nuts that if I don’t he might get sick and if I do he might get sicks just curious what everyone is doing no judgement here either way
Am I The Only Parent That Doesn’t Believe In Vaccines At All …? So I’m Having a Hard Time With These Doctors Telling Me I Should I’m Really Scared To Get My Baby 2 month old shots
Just had our third shot today and baby has been crying hysterically all evening until he fell asleep. He didn’t have a fever but we gave him Calpol just in case he is pain. Now I am wondering whether it was the jab that was upsetting him or something else. Did your LO cry in the 24h after the vaccine?
Hey! Posting in here although my baby is a Feb baby, I’m wondering if anyone else little one suffered with constipation in the first few weeks? My little one is just over a week old and suffering badly, does anyone have any tips? Thanks!
Just after a bit of advice or reassurance My little girl is 20 months and over the last month has started developing a fear of certain things, Started off with the plug in the bath as I have done since she was born I pull it out as she is getting out well one night she decided she's now terrified and cries now when...
How long is too long for a breastfed baby to not poo for???
Hey alll x I’m looking to find anyone who’s LO currently goes to a Busy Bees Nursery anywhere in the UK. My LO has been at nursery with them for 4 months now but they have been really terrible at updating us in terms of developments/milestones/learning etc. For example when we started I was told there would be week...
Hiya, My 3 month old baby girl was prescribed new milk yesterday, Aptamil Pepti 1 and has been sick after bottles all day today is this normal after changing to a new milk? First time mum here panicking a bit 🤦🏽♀️
My baby girl is 4 months old now and has been so difficult from the very start. She needed to be in the nicu for a week due to low blood sugars and jaundice. When she came home, our battle with gas pain began, and my baby spent most of her time crying or being pacified by constant patting and rocking around the cloc...
My 3 months old baby started to have hysteric cry after we get him out of the bath. He cries himself to sweat and to the point where you can see fear in his eyes 😭 if anyone has any idea how to help with that please? So far we have tried to reduce bath temperature, reduce bath time, warm towels, nothing seems to…
Hi everyone, I’m looking for some advice please! My little boy is 16 weeks old, we combi fed from about 4 weeks and he has been solely formula fed since 12 weeks. We have always used standard Aptamil formula. About 10 days ago he had a very upset stomach (around 10 poos in 12 hours whereas he was previously goin...
TW: poo nappy Would you say this is “ diarrhoea” or loose runny poo? Baby is formula fed- looking for advice x
Feeling REALLY anxious about baby having one year jabs tomorrow. We were fine with all three of the previous jabs but being 4 in one and hearing of so many little ones having nasty side effects immediately and/or 1-2 weeks after… I’m hoping for some encouragement or positive stories, if anyone has any? 🥴
Has anybody's baby officially been diagnosed with silent reflux? I'm not sure if my son has it, he shows a lot of signs of it but I don't know if it can be officially diagnosed, not that it matters I just think it would make my anxiety calmer if I had an official diagnosis of it. Also if anybody can share their li...
Hi! My 11week old has had green and slimy poops past few days and I’m just asking has anyone else experienced this and is it normal? I did read that exclusively breastfed babies can have green poop and slimy, but just would like to hear some experiences
Hi currently doing a EHC for my daughter one has been put forward by her child care provider to hopefully get the EHCP and little worried to find out that they look at attendance as my daughter only been there for 4 months and had soooo much time off !! Due to not sleeping and being to tired to go in and having l...
Can anyone recommend any good places to take a 6 month old? Planned to go to the one on wells road but it's fully booked for the day I had in mind. Thanks!
What do people eat or drink when breastfeeding cos everything I eat or drink I think it makes my little boy have trouble passing the gas out we have stuff to help him from the doctors but It don’t really seams to work he dose poo but he tries to push like his trying to poo but nothing his been doing it a lot heel be...
We’ve got ours booked next week but going on holiday a few days later and worries he’s still going to feel poorly or have the shits as he did for two weeks after the first lot🙈
Just recently my newborn is only eating from one breast and alot of the time less than 10 mins.. I try to stimulate her offer the other side but she just won’t take it. She has plenty of wet diapers a day I just don’t know why the change all of a sudden?