Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.

Bottle teat size.

I tried my LO on a size 2 teat a couple of days ago & he threw a lot of it back up as I think the flow was too fast. He does suffer with reflux & has gaviscon from the GP. Should I keep trying with the size 2 teat? Or stick to size 1 for the time being. Not really sure the reasons for changing the teat size if they...


Ready made formula

I have some Kendamill ready made formula but I haven't kept in the fridge. Can I still use it? I thought it only had to go in the fridge once opened and then used within 24 hours, but I've just been storing the unopened ones in the cupboard. Is that OK.


Whole Milk 🥛

I don’t understand this whole milk thing? When do you give it, how much do you give, do you stop formula all together? I combi feed and give my baby a formula top up before bed every night. Do I just stop doing that? Do I also just give lunch and no milk feed after or do I give whole milk with lunch and dinner? It...


Tips for increasing milk supply

Hi everyone, currently I'm combi feeding our 4 week old baby. I wanted to reduce the number of formula feeds but I don't think I'm making enough milk. Baby will have breast milk for about 45 mins at a time and then starts crying hysterically and only settles when we give him formula. Any tips on how I can increase m...


Milk ladder

We’ve accidentally given our 13 month old garlic bread with milk in the ingredients. I’m guessing it’s the butter. Apart from bloating and some horrendous trumps, he’s been okay thankfully. What step on the milk ladder would this be? And would you stop? Or carry on?


Milk intake

My little boy is 4 months old and has suddenly stopped drinking all his milk! He will have 2 / 3 oz and then refuse it!! He does this with most of his feeds now! I’m worried he’s not getting enough!


Cows Milk & Formula amounts

How much cows milk does you LO get per day? How much formula do they get per day? I give water freely throughout the day, but wondering what the correct amounts are for milk/formula now. Also, do you only give cows milk in a cup/straw cup, and not a bottle? Thanks


Nutramigen milk

Does anybody have this milk spare? i've been waiting for my doctors to get more in but it's taking a lot longer because my son was only prescribed before christmas so they've been shut when we ran out, i'll be willing to pay postage if anyone can help me please! i don't want to put him back on cow and gate milk when...


Breastfeeding plus formula supplement successfully?

Baby is super fussy at night time. I’ve been giving a few ounces of formula near bedtime to help. I pump after I give the formula to stimulate. It’s so tedious but I want to try to breastfeed as long as I can. I breastfed my first for 13 months. I’m pretty sure I supplemented like this at the start too. I don’t reme...


Formula milk, Breast milk

Hello, My baby boy was born 8 days ago, weighing 3.2 kg, and he has a slight case of jaundice. The doctor at the hospital advised me to give him some formula in addition to breastfeeding until my milk supply increases, to ensure his jaundice doesn’t worsen. I try to breastfeed him as much as possible, but unfortun...


Bottles of milk

Hi everyone. How many bottles of milk is your 18 month old having per day? I think my little boy might be having a few too many.



What’s everyone’s 11.5mth old drinking milk wise? I think mines just wants food and no milk now get about 10-15oz a day.



What formula has everyone found to be the best for their lo? Our little one is 2 weeks old and we have been using kendamil but we don’t think it’s agreeing with him 😩 I’ve been told it could be too rich for him so we are now looking at a new formula to use we have narrowed it down to aptamil and hipp organic atm…


Combi feeding

Combi feeding mums of formula and breastmilk, how do you do it? Do you still pump at the time that baby would usually have a feed? My partner had to give formula today due to me needing to get checked out and just wondered how it works Any help appreciated


Help! Leaving baby for one night but he hates bottles

I am going to travel for a day soon and will need to leave my EBF 7 months old baby with grandparents. I tried to give him a bottle today but he totally refused it so I am now so worried he won’t take a bottle. How am I going to leave him 😰 Any tips on getting him to try the bottle?



The most annoying thing to me is when ppl say yes we’ll watch her and then don’t log her milk intake. How am I supposed to just magically know when her next bottle will be if I don’t know when her last one is! And then I’m the bad guy because I don’t want anyone “helping” me


Amount of milk

Hi all, I know I shouldn’t compare as every baby is different but roughly how much milk your 1 month old babies drink per feeding? Quinlan is a big baby born at 9lb 1oz who currently drink around 130-140ml of expressed milk per feeding. I don’t want to overfeed him but anything less and he will not settle. Forgotten...


Mam bottles

Hi ladies, What bottles do you recommend? We use the mam bottles but the bottom has just shot of and boiled water has gone all over my leg and I don’t trust them now


Overfeed formula

Is it possible to overfeed a baby on formula? My nearly 5 month old has 5x 270ml Kendamil bottles a day and I've just looked on their website and it shows he's drinking way more than what's on their, should I be worried ??


Aptamil or Cow and Gate?

Good evening mamas, hope you all had a lovely day with your little ones. Which formula would you recommend for a breastfed baby, baby is one week old but she is keeping me up all night feeding round the clock. With my first he was exclusively breastfed, so I'm unsure as to which formula is best. I was going to mix ...


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