Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
How much are your 5 week olds drinking? Mine is on 4oz every 3 hours but he’s starting to show signs of hungover at 2.5 hours so wondering whether to increase the amount to 5oz or if this is too much for him? He was 8lb 11 at birth but now weighing 11lb so he’s already a chunk!
I have always made my bottles when my girl is due her feed, never prepared in advance but now when I’m out and about alone it’s getting difficult to make bottles and keep her settled alone especially when she decides she’s hungry a lil time before her time and I’m in a shop ect. Today im going out for around a hour/...
Baby is 2.5 weeks old. He is exclusively breast fed. When I pump, measuring about 3.5 to 5 Oz in the bottle. Some times he drink all and sometimes he leaves a little. The real challenge is at night. He want to be breast fed for hours upon hours. I don't want to over feed him. After 2 hours I'll remove the breast and...
Can you buy ready made formula for cmpa ? Before having to go dairy free if we was going out for the day and I knew it would be hard to make bottles I would just buy the ready made bottles to take out or make up the bottles and put them in a cool bag wirh loads of ice blocks but after looking it doesn't seem you can...
Hi all, has anyone recently applied for a child’s passport and can tell me how long it took? Thank you x
Hi! So my LB has been EBF with the occasional bottle from birth. Bottles have always been expressed milk At about 3/4 months he refused to ever have a bottle again He is 5 months and try daily to give him bottle. He is drinking about an ounce before starting to pull faces and refuse again. I’ve tried different ev...
Hello! Just wondering how many of you top up with formula My little girl is 7 weeks old and is a greedy guts, it’s got to the point she feeds off me sometimes 3 times every hour, I don’t really get a break. When I told my health visitor she realised my little one has a tongue tie and that could be why, she’s not...
My baby is 3mo. He is on the smallest teat size and was doing well on these since birth until two weeks ago when he started leaking from the mouth when drinking, not finishing his bottles and eating less than usual. He doesn’t take “longer” to finish the bottle, he just doesn’t finish it at all. Makes a lot of noise...
Is anyone looking at purchasing a bottle maker? My friends have said they could live without theirs but I’ve read they’ve made babies ill from not being warm enough! Thoughts??
How have Mum's found it? And problems or issues that your baby has had? Or needed to change
I have a three week old and due to weight loss in the first week or so he is having expressed milk through the night and during the day he is having expressed milk whilst trying to get him on the boob. My question is, at this age, how must expressed breast milk should he be having per feed (every 2-3 hours?) or how ...
We used Tommee Tippee but switched to mam bottles but they are so shit I hate them. The only thing I like about them is the teat shape. Any bottles that use the same teat shape?
My son is 15 months and still has a bottle before bed. I've tried getting him to have it in a beaker or cup but he won't drink it. Do I go cold turkey or any suggestions? He's not the best sleeper and he's only just started sleeping through so don't want to rock the boat 🤣. He's a great eater though.
My 18 week is not drinking his milk properly this week (not having his usual amount) anyone with the same issue rn?
Just curious to how many bottles a day people giving their 5 month, nearly 6 month olds. For a little while now my little guy has been having 5 8oz bottles but, reading online he should only be having 4x these amount of bottles or he goes over the 32oz recommended in a day? Am I forcing him too much milk? The last b...
My little girl is 7 weeks old, she is currently on the Kendamil first infant milk at the moment. I’ve been trying to raise concerns about her potentially having reflux with our health visitor and gp. They said if they prescribe her anything it could cause more harm than good. I was thinking of maybe switching he...
My son is about to start transitioning to cows milk and I was told to mix half formula and half cows milk but I have to premix everything for daycare that day so is it safe to have it premixed it's 2 6 oz bottles a day in the fridge basically from about 8 to 3 or 4 whenever he drinks the second bottle if he does at all
So our little one is almost 3 now. And for the most part is still dairy free. Because of covid, we had 1 phone call with a dietician who told us to download and follow the milk ladder and leave it 6 weeks before trying again if there was any sort of reaction. I've always found several versions of the milk ladder w...
Hii everyone, I need to travel for some personal reason with my baby who will be 4 months when I am travelling. How do you sterilise baby bottle when you’re aboard? Do I just clean/ wash the bottle as normal then cold sterilise with water & Milton or is there any other ways? And also any tips on travelling aboard an...
So I'm trying to see if there is a connection lol if your baby sleeps through the night at this age ...how many oz/feeds are they consuming during the day?