Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.

Formula Feeding Amounts, help!

Currently combi feeding my 7 week old and he’s drinking 180ml (6oz) of formula per feed which is more than the guidelines on the formula tin. He’s polishing that off and sometimes still wants breast milk after that. Would you increase the amount? I’m conscious of over feeding as he’s already having more than what’...


Genuinely curious: when you say your milk didn’t come in, how long did you wait to supplement with formula?

I don’t mean this in a mean way but a lot of people I know who say their milk didn’t come in didn’t really wait very long so I’m just curious to see what others say. I’m not trying to come from a place of judgement because I know how stressful it is for your baby to be hungry.


Clumpy formula not dissolving

Anyone ever have formula in which it doesn't seem that it'll fully dissolve no matter how much you shake it? We have a new container of formula that seems to be doing that. Very odd.


Formula amount

My LO is nearly 5 months old, 18.5lbs when we weighed him at the end of Jan. He’s currently on 210ml bottles however he cries after the feed. We do pace feeding (upright, horizontal bottle, multiple breaks during the feed, burping throughout - all recommended by the HV) but he still cries. HV has said I’m feeding hi...


Comfort milk?

Anyone’s baby with feeding problems tried the comfort milk and had any luck? We were prescribed gaviscon and omeprazole initially. This didn’t work. We changed to Hipp organic but he’s still having problems! What milks have you tried that have worked well? Thanks!


Bottle sterilisers, what’s good?

Seen a lot of mixed reviews on sterilisers, unsure which to go for.. any recommended brands would be helpful too🍼



Hi Box says from 1yo??? Are we using this?? Thanks



Hi Ladies, how many bottles is your babies having now they’re weaning? My baby is a chunky girl loves milk & food but have 3-4 7oz bottles a day and sleeping through the night, is this a good amount for baby? Thanks x


warming bottles when out

bit random but when i take prepared baby bottles out with me, once they’ve cooled down, where can i go to heat them up? or is there any tricks to keep them warm for much much longer. im wanting to go out for the day but anxious as i’m not sure where to ask to heat a bottle for me? TIA xx


10oz in one sitting

I combo feed my 5 1/2 month old. Haven’t really started solids consistently in his daily routine yet. I give 2 formula feeds in a day and the rest bf. Lately he doesn’t seem content with his 8oz and he can drink 10oz even more - should be concerned? Is this normal? He gets angry once the 8oz is finished and the bot...


From bottle to cup

How did you make the transition?


Baby not drinking

My 6month old isn’t really drinking her bottles today. It’s almost like it’s too sore to suck the teat. She’s had maybe 300ml the whole day so I opted to give her some Kendamil porridge at about 4pm when she woke up. She demolished it so I tried with her bottle and she spat it out. Anyone experienced this? I’m put...


Sterilising dummy’s

How does breastfeeding mums who have nothing else to sterilise (no machine) sterilise their babies dummies? do you sterilise or just put it under hot water?



What’s everyone’s thoughts on these UV sterilisers vs the traditional ones? Iv been given a UV but not sure if I like it or not. It doesn’t feel sterile.


Refusing milk :(

Hey! My little one is 5 months next week and we’re now day 5 of her refusing some of her feeds. She used to have 6oz every 3 hours. The health visitor then told us to add a night need at 11pm ( 3hrs after the last feed ) to help with the sleep regression. So I did but now she’s literally refusing pretty much hal...


Cow's milk

My little girl (13 months) has stopped having her cow's milk altogether. We thought we were making good progress as she used to have formula mixed with cows milk at the beginning of the year. Recently, she had 2 ear infections followed by a chest infection where her appetite dropped significantly. She is on antibiot...


Feeding more frequently

My 14w old boy seems to be extremely hungry the last few days. He used to have 6oz every 3:30/4 h and now he's actually crying for a bottle after 2 and a half hour max. He finishes most of the bottles or leaves about 15/30ml but I doubt he'd take more than 6oz per feed. Also his reflux is slightly worse so I don't t...


Baby milk

Hiya folks. So I’m currently 24 weeks and I want to get everything ready as soon as possible for my son. I’m planning on buying the ready made formula in cartons/bottles to begin with so it’s easier when he’s first born but I’m not sure on the lifespan. How early do you think I should buy milk, I mean ready made n...


1 year on bottle

My 1 year old takes kendamil stage 3 for night bottle. However if we are on the flight how do I do this as il need hot water and don’t think I can on the flight. Flight is around mid afternoon and she won’t need bottle until we are half way on journey of flight. Can I give kendamil stage 2 pre made bottle?


Ganirelix *Help!*

Hello Does anyone know where I can buy Ganirelix today? I've run out and still need to keep taking it until Friday 😔 I'm in Sheffield x


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