Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
I'm currently 10 days post FET and it's freezing in Scotland, so I've been taking a hot water bottle to bed with me at night. I've been trying to keep it near my feet/legs but a few times I've woken up with it near my abdomen/lower back and I'm a bit worried I've ruined my chances of success here. Anyone else done t...
Should steam sterilised bottles / pumps be dry before using them? My little one is only having breastmilk (appreciate it would just be extra water for formula bottles)
We’ve been transitioning from EBF to formula, alls been fine, but we’re now at a point where she could have the 3 7oz bottles the tin recommends for her age (she’s 9months) a day and still have the boob… How much milk(formula) is your LO having a day?
My 5 week old has breast milk in the Mam bottles, I’ve been using size 0 teats. When should I move to size 1? Or should I just jump to size 2 when he’s 12 weeks? So confused!
idk what to do i’m not producing enough breast milk and i ran out of formula and i’m frustrated cause she keeps crying that she’s hungry so now i’m crying cause i’m not giving her enough what do i do
How much are your 15 month olds drinking daily?
My 15 week old baby is not showing much interest in his milk (formula) the last week or so. He was previously guzzling 6 oz every 3-4 hours now he probably has 4 oz on average - right now he’s stopped after 2 oz and it’s been 4 hours since his last feed! Very unlike him. He has had two teeth come through but doesn’t...
I officially have a one year old! 😭 I know all babies are different but I’m just wanting to gage everyone’s different routines, if your baby is bottle fed how many are they having and times etc?
We have been prescribed Aptamil pepti 2 for my baby that has a milk allergy however she refuses to drink it. I assume it tastes as bad as it smells! Can anyone suggest any other brands I could try? Thank you
Baby is 12 weeks and formula fed, and has been on 4oz for about a month now with absolutely no sign of increasing still. Baby is gaining weight slowly, dropping centiles, won’t drink more if offered or won’t drink more if I wait an extra hour. I’ve given up now, I don’t know what else to do or what else to try. ...
Hi my 3 weeks ago old is currently drinking 4oz of formula everyday 3-5 hours and finishing it almost every time. I want to put her up to 5oz but I wasn’t sure if it’s too much for her age? What is everyone’s baby drinking? Tia
I got gifted a glass tommee tippee bottle I was wondering can you still sterilise it like normal? I have one of the sterilisers that go in the microwave x I threw away the box before reading it haha
Hi all! Looking for advice from anyone who has combi fed their little ones. I’m due in April, and I would absolutely love to combination feed my little ones, ideally bottle feed at night and breastfeed/pump during the days. Has anyone ever done this on here? How was your experience with combi feeding? Is it worth it...
My son has just moved on to cow's milk, but he still has a bottle during the night. How are we all managing this?! Just running downstairs to make the bottle or somehow keeping it upstairs? He was previously on a prescription formula that you just added to room temp water, so I never needed to think about it. (I...
I’m not sure if what I’m about to say will make sense but we’ll give it a go 🤣 NHS website says to sterilise bottles every time you use them but then re sterilise if you haven’t used them in a 24hr period. (Which I wasn’t aware of till now) I’m only pumping when I’m engorged but that’s normally in the middle of…
How was your LO's transition from breastmilk to formula? I'm slowly putting in formula with Breastmilk (80%/20%) but curious when to increase it. Days? A week? I'm worried he won't take the formula well. I made his oatmeal this morning and used formula instead of Breastmilk and he was NOT having it. Doesn't help tha...
Currently combi feeding my 7 week old and he’s drinking 180ml (6oz) of formula per feed which is more than the guidelines on the formula tin. He’s polishing that off and sometimes still wants breast milk after that. Would you increase the amount? I’m conscious of over feeding as he’s already having more than what’...
I don’t mean this in a mean way but a lot of people I know who say their milk didn’t come in didn’t really wait very long so I’m just curious to see what others say. I’m not trying to come from a place of judgement because I know how stressful it is for your baby to be hungry.
Anyone ever have formula in which it doesn't seem that it'll fully dissolve no matter how much you shake it? We have a new container of formula that seems to be doing that. Very odd.
My LO is nearly 5 months old, 18.5lbs when we weighed him at the end of Jan. He’s currently on 210ml bottles however he cries after the feed. We do pace feeding (upright, horizontal bottle, multiple breaks during the feed, burping throughout - all recommended by the HV) but he still cries. HV has said I’m feeding hi...