Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
and comment the reason why…
My son has just turned 6 weeks and currently weighing 12Ibs10. He is constantly hungry and wanting to feed every couple of hours. Sometimes he will take 5ounces and other times only 3. Worrying I’m not feeding him enough or feeding too much.. as he always seems unhappy/hungry. Interested to hear what other people ...
This might be a silly question but do you warm up the cows milk when mixing it in with the formula? I’m planning to start weaning my LO tonight as he turns 1 next Tuesday. He usually has an 8oz bottle before bed so I was going to do 6 or 7oz formula and the rest cows milk but I don’t know whether to warm the cows m...
How much milk are your LOs drinking since starting weaning? If on one meal a day.
How old was everyone’s babies when they first put them in nursery? Do you think putting a baby in nursery has more benefits for their development? I’m considering putting my baby in nursery he’s 11 months
Please can you share your recommendation and feedback for the most practical & Good VFM bottle steriliser
I feel like my baby is constantly eating just now will put his routine below, is this a normal amount? 8- breakfast 9- 5oz 11-7oz 12- lunch 2-7oz 5-7oz 6-dinner 8- 7oz he has always had his milk every 3 hours during the day and nothing at night since he was a few months old but i thought now that he he’s ...
My sister doesn’t now how much to use and her little one is 3 does any now how much she should use
Hey girls, can anyone help me with this my daughter is turning 1 on the 24th and I plan to try and do a swap to cows milk in the next couple of weeks. How many bottles should I be giving a day when giving cows milk and what bottles is she meant to be drinking this from? We currently still use the maam bottles with h...
What size is your LO on?
My LO is 18 weeks and is still feeding every 3 hours he is formula fed, is anyone going through this?
My 14 month old is having none of it and is still on follow on formula. Tell me I’m not the only one! Any tips welcome in comments 🙏🏽
Hi, I’ve been exclusively BF my baby, last month we found out that my milk wasn’t enough for him. He was in the 5th percentile at 14lbs 12oz at just a little over 6 months old. Doc said supplement with formula, so we did and in the 4 weeks since then my supply really tanked. I pumped since he was temporarily on bott...
What formula is everyone using and why? I’m not sure if I can BF yet due to my scar tissue
My baby is now 1 and we haven’t been able to complete the milk ladder so is still on Neocate. I don’t like the idea of giving him a plant based milk alternative with how processed they are but need to start weaning off formula. My question basically is there a nutritional reason that a plant based milk is advise...
Does anyone else make bottles straight from the kettle? Someone said it can kill the nutrients if the water is too hot??
I was sleeping and woke up to a banging sound and looked up to see this I didn’t even think she could open it but she had a nice long bath and had her hair washed
My little guy is 5 months old on 7th November. Since 3 months he’s been having a bottle formula around lunchtime And the rest is breastfed. I want to add more formula in but he only takes 100ml per feed, max 120ml. Is anyone else’s baby the same I am worried he’s not getting enough?
How do you do it ? My baby is ebf but thinking of introducing formula at night. Anyone doing it ? Can you share your experience?
I’ve recently moved my son completely to formula but it’s come at the cost of him not having solids as well as he did ! Struggling with timings and quantities. Currently schedule 7:30am - 5 or 6 oz formula 8:30am - breakfast 11:50 / 12pm - 5 or 6oz formula 2pm ish - lunch 5:30pm - dinner 8pm - 6 to 8oz for...