Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.

What was the hardest part of transitioning from 1 to 2 kids?

Planning for second and I'm nervous/anxious of what's to come! What specific thing did you find tough to manage? Was it the sleep schedule of a toddler and a baby? Was it the lack of time ? Was it finding ways to keep toddler busy while caring for a newborn? I'd love to hear something that i haven't even thought of!


Baby won’t settle

My little girl is 4 weeks old and formula fed (Aptamil). When we give her a bottle she has about 20-40 mls then pushes it away and will cry inconsolably then later spit it all up. We make sure to hold her upright during feeds and for 15 mins and burp regularly. We’ve tried the colic Aptamil and infacol and nothing s...


1 and a half weeks old and demolishing a 4oz bottle

Is this normal she was 5lb 12oz when born now 6lb she’s constantly eating 4oz bottles health visitor says put him on hungry baby formula should I? I know there’s a lot of speculation about the whole thing if not what can I do do I just carry on feeding every 2 hours 4oz or up the oz 😩


Tommee Tippee GoPrep cooling flask

Hey Mamas I'm looking at buying this Tommee Tippee Goprep cooling flask for making formula on the go but wanted to hear feedback from anyone who has it first. What I need to know is how do you clean it in between feeds throughout the day if you're out and making more than one bottle? Or is it just to use once? Thanks!


Formula and breastmilk

so my baby is 3 weeks almost 4, she always seems hungry and keep waking up out of sleep to eat or not fully seeming satisfied. so I decided to put her on formulas at night for both of us to sleep better. she’s been doing fine with it but last night I woke up covered in breastmilk! I pumped and had about 6 oz total. ...


Question about formula feeding in hospital.

FTM packing my hospital bag and planning to breastfeed but wanting to have formula as a back up just in case. I’m going to take some ready made milk with me (not powdered) but what do I do about bottles? Can I sterilise them in hospital or do they provide bottles… how does it work? Cant see how I can pack sterilised...


Potential CMPA?

Little man has been having expressed breast milk with the odd bottle of formula and was becoming really unsettled, blood and mucusy stools, face rash since 2 weeks old (we’re now entering week 9). At 4 weeks old I cut out dairy myself and got Aptimal pepti 1 from the GP to top him up as my milk supply was running lo...


Stop sterilising

When did everyone stop sterilising babies bottles etc


Baby is still having 5 x 6/7oz bottles and barely eating solids

I offer breakfast and dinner and he barely eats anything normally. He has a few mouthfuls and then turns his head. I’m worried he is getting too full from all the formula and wondering if I should give him less milk to see if he eats better? The NHS says he should be eating 3 meals a day by 9 months and I’m worried ...


Amount for feeding

How much is everyone feeding their babies? I breast feed and then do a top up of 90mls (something we’ve done from the beginning due to tongue tie and haven’t been able to stop) or just give 120mls if not breastfeeding.



is anyone elses 5 month old still only drinking 4 oz of formula? i feel like i keep seeing other babies his age drink 6-7 oz and i tried 5-6 oz and its too much for him he wont drink any more than 4


formula fed

my daughter is on kendamil but i’m not really using boiling water i’ve been giving it to her room temp. is anyone doing the same? is it okay ? also she’s a week and 3 days old drinking 2oz every 3 hours what are your little ones drinking if they are formula fed ?


10 month old not wanting formula

Please can someone offer some advice? My little boy is 10 months old, we have dropped to two bottles a day because he just doesn't want the formula. We offer 7oz each time but it's such a fight! We put it down to teething and a regression but he's cut 4 teeth recently and his sleeping is back to normal. The mornin...


Powder milk HELP

Hi girls! So unfortunately my boy has started allergy milk and it’s in powder. As a beginners we started, since yesterday to: boil the kettle, wait 30 minutes, shake, cool under running water. Such a stress doing it as takes so long and thinking to much about timings 🥵😂 I heard about the TT prep machine but…


Milk suggestions

My son has just turned one and has had his 12 month appointment. His doctor recommended. We have him start trying whole milk. Backstory for clarification his dad is lactose intolerant. I his mom am a vegetarian and haven’t drunk cows, milk in over a decade. So we figured he’d be lactose intolerant which of course he...


Breastfeeding to formula feeding

So my LG is 5 weeks old and is currently breastfed completely. She has had 2 bottles so far of expressed milk. However I am struggling to keep up with her feeding. She is very hungry all the time. She wakes for a feed every 2-3 hours and is always fussy after a feed. I don’t think she’s getting enough from me…



What bottles / cups / beakers is everyone using for last milk before bed?


Has anyones 4 month old gone off bottles?

My girl in nearly 4 month and we are struggling to get her to take her bottles all pf the sudden!! She used to drink 180/200ml every 3/4 hours and has 5 bottles a day and sleeps all night but we're lucky if she will drink 100ml atm!😖😖


Pump sterilising

Currently pumping after every feed to drain my boobs and washing and sterilising the pump every time. Is this necessary after every use?


Mam bottles

I have just brought my little girl the Easy Active mam bottles and just wondered how you sterilise them in the microwave x


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