Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
I'm trying to find a Milton cold water Steriliser for a reasonable price that isn't going to take forever to get here. Baby is due in less than a month, and I can only find them on amazon for over £22 and they take up to 2 month to come. I've checked the shops and it's like the only Steriliser to exist is microwave ...
What is you little current feeding schedule with milks/foods? I feel like we need to get better routine
I’m just curious what bottles everyone is now using for milk? I’m still using the mam bottles twice a day for milk and a tommee sippy cup for water
My son is 3mo old and I’ve been breastfeeding for about a month now. (Before that I was pumping and supplementing w formula) now I’ll need to only supplement with one bottle of formula but I’ve noticed it’s always between 3/6pm feeding time. I know that in the afternoon, ur supply is down. But it’s frustrating becau...
Hi, wanted to see if anyone could help me with baby gaviscon when do I add it to the bottle at the end or at the start for the babies feed?
How much and often are your babies eating? We attempted to breast feed but unfortunately baby is still losing weight and spending hours on the breast and then still needing top ups.
How can I use this if my baby isn’t bottle fed at all? Can I syringe directly into mouth?
My 12 week old will only have 5oz from a bottle at the moment but the tins all say that she should be having 6oz? She’s gaining weight and healthy but is this something anyone else is going through? Or should I be worried? Thanks☺️
Going away on Friday and read online that the anti colic bottles just leak everywhere because the air pressure sucks up the milk into the air valve 😣 We don’t want to change bottles with our little one though. Looked around and wondering if we can remove the valve and teat and put a lid on the bottles until needed?…
My 9 month old has just started nursery.. and has been refusing his bottle in the day. I’ve googled how much milk/food babies this age should be having. Apparently 3 meals a day with a snack, and between 24-32 oz of milk. Yesterday he had 20oz and today (after his bedtime bottle) he would have had 22oz. Should I...
Hi I am trying my breastfed baby with a bottle, she refuses mam bottles so I am trying lansinog. It has come with a size 2 teat. She is 3 months old. I have tried today and she just gags. Does she need a size 0 teat? Any advice please
Mine is taking only two bottles at night and is fully solids all day. Rejects any type of milk/yogurt during the day
i asked his grandma to buy his milk and ive only just realised 3 days into using it that it’s toddler milk 12m+ hes just turned 5m hes been on kendamil organic 1st milk, shes not able to get any of his normal milk for a few hours so ive had to give another bottle of it but she told me to dilute it? so ive added more...
So my LO’s coming up to a year and know i need to transition her from a bottle. The issue is she went straight onto an open doidy cup when weaning and absolutely will not sure a sippy cup because nothing comes out and she just gets frustrated. Any advice on what sort of bottle i can use for her. Even the ‘free flow...
Does anyone have any of these? Is this a good buy or you wouldn’t recommend it?
My LO has had reflux from day 1, but had been gaining weight so the midwife/HV weren’t concerned. Last week she was weighed and hadn’t gained weight in 2 weeks so I was advised to try Carobel, but this seems to have made her stools fully formed and she strains and cries when having bowel movements. I’ve read that An...
Don't know the difference with 0 and 0+
Hey Does anyone else combi feed i pump my milk give formula tbrough the day to aswell as expressed milk it something that really works for us as a family i was wondering any one elses rotune with combi feeding amd how much formuar u give and breast milk x
I have a 7 week old baby boy who is gaining weight but is in 34% By height, he is at 97%. I only breastfeed and pump. Would you be worried/start adding a formula formula? The doctor is not worried but keeping an eye on him with appointments every 2 weeks. The clinic itself is known to be very stricked with bab...
Hi everyone, I had to move exclusively to formula - my little one was on breast milk exclusively before. We have been on Bobbie gentle for a week and she does not seem to be taking as much formula as she did breast milk. Does any one have experience with this? Wondering if she is just getting used to it? Or the form...