Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
Hi, my 10-month-old has recently started to eat a lot more solids and at the same time is often refusing formula, she is still taking some formula but his drastically cut back on how often she will take it and will instead crawl to the high chair, reach up and fuss until she's put in the high chair and given solids....
My son is 8 months old EBF and hates the bottle. I pump my milk and he still does not like the bottle. Any tips and tricks? I really want him to start using bottles so I can be away from him for more than 30 mins .
Are you using a prep machine or kettle/flask?
Has anyone had any luck with getting their EBF baby to take a bottle after they've refused for ages? My baby is 5 months and I've been trying to get her to take a bottle for the past couple of months now. Sometimes every couple of days and other times with a bigger gap in between. I pumped a lot when she was a newbo...
Sleep deprivation has well & truly kicked in and I think I’ve just fed my nearly 5 week old daughter 3 scoops of aptimil formula to 60ml water (where I’d usually do 90ml as it’s typically 30ml per scoop) She’s typically on 120ml with 4 scoops, but was still hungry after, so thought I’d do a smaller bottle (60ml - ...
If you accidentally gave 30ml of formula that had been out for 4ish hours is it the end of the world? This was this morning - baby seems like normal self
I’m so confused and when I research online it only talks about formula feeding. Really confused if I’m feeding the right amount
So my dietician has said my little girl can stay on formula until she’s 2 but I’d like to transition her into an alternative as I’ve seen others do. What’s the best way to do it. Should I mix something like almond milk in with some formula or should I just give her a bottle of almond milk? A bit out of my depth here...
I'm having a right battle with my GP. They only prescribe 12 days worth at a time despite asking for more so many times. We've had such issues with supply and pharmacies that it causes stress every 12 days. I'm going back to work soon so will be even harder to be constantly chasing it up. Were putting milk in his br...
My LO had CMPA and was put on SMA Althera. Now he is 1 years old the prescription has stopped as he should be drinking milk. We worked through the milk ladder etc and he was coping fine but he just refuses to drink cows milk. He will literally gag and be sick because he doesn’t like the taste. I’ve also tried him wi...
I’m looking for a bit of advice. My baby boy is 15 weeks old, he was initially on cow and gate formula until he was about 2 weeks old where he started having very bad tummy issues and crying a lot during feeds, doctors said “colic” but I decided to change his formula to goats milk formula and tried nannycare, he w...
My son has RSV & is refusing to latch & wont take a bottle anyway. What do I do? 😞
What’s everyone’s day routine for your 6 week old? I’m trying to get into a routine with my little girl and struggling a bit😩
My 11 day old boy is currently on 3oz.. but he's started wanting feeds sooner and i think he wants 4oz now but he's 7lbs is this too soon? Photo just for cuteness 🥰
My little one will not take Calpol, she has her 16 week jabs coming up and I usually give Calpol in her bottle but she’s changed formula to nutramigen. Do you know if I can still add to this formula?
I don’t know if it’s just psychological or what but I’m thinking my baby has a preference for formula. We combi feed (pumping & Kendamil) and baby gets 4 of 5 feeds breastmilk. But lately I have to fight it down her and I feel like the formula is less of a fight at times. I don’t blame her though as I think Kendam...
Okay so I’m finding it really hard switching. But my girl loves the cows milk warm and at night has a whole bottle ! However getting it in her through the day time is so hard, she eats very well ! Loads of good healthy food and she has her three meals a day alright 😂 But this milk thing really gives me anxiety I…
Has anyone used carobel in little ones milk? We were prescribed gsviscon but made his very constipation they have now said to use carobel, has anyone found it better? How much are you putting it as it varies on the box.
Anyone else’s baby acting like they’ve never been fed? My son is taking 4 ozs every 2-3 hours and when he takes the bottle he chugs it like he is starving to death! I want to up his bottle to 6 oz but he spit ups a lot with the 4. Any suggestions? Picture of my handsome man ☺️
Can I still use my 0-2 month mam dummies for my 8 week old? Or should I upgrade to the 2-6 months asap?