Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.

Cows milk :/

Okay so I’m finding it really hard switching. But my girl loves the cows milk warm and at night has a whole bottle ! However getting it in her through the day time is so hard, she eats very well ! Loads of good healthy food and she has her three meals a day alright 😂 But this milk thing really gives me anxiety I…



Has anyone used carobel in little ones milk? We were prescribed gsviscon but made his very constipation they have now said to use carobel, has anyone found it better? How much are you putting it as it varies on the box.



Anyone else’s baby acting like they’ve never been fed? My son is taking 4 ozs every 2-3 hours and when he takes the bottle he chugs it like he is starving to death! I want to up his bottle to 6 oz but he spit ups a lot with the 4. Any suggestions? Picture of my handsome man ☺️


Mam dummies

Can I still use my 0-2 month mam dummies for my 8 week old? Or should I upgrade to the 2-6 months asap?



My almost 3y old son has stopped eating and is drinking A LOT of milk (4 x 250ml bottles per day). Is this some kind of regression? Should I be worried / how can I stop this?


Are your LOs still wanting milk in the night?

Is it just me or is anyone else still giving their LO milk in the night? If my LB wakes in the night sometimes he asks for milk. If I try offer water or suggest he just go back to sleep he'll just have a meltdown and because I don't want him to wake up the rest of the house and need to actually get some sleep myself...


My bf baby won’t take a bottle!

My baby is 7 weeks & is pretty much exclusively breastfed but has had some bottles since around 2 weeks (not very consistently) recently I’ve wanted to give him a little formula top up to help with cluster feeding but he refuses to take a bottle at all any advice is welcome!


Mam steam steriliser descaling

So I've just realised I've only descaled my mam steriliser once!!! In 5 months. I feel awful. Has anyone else done this before? Looks to be a lot of limescale on my plate too 😪


Why can’t put formula in sippy cup?

Hello! I was told not to put formula in the sippy cup, and not sure why? My lg doesn’t take a bottle as she’s EBF (tried with bottle so many times and she refuses 🫣) but she will sip from her sippy cup. Could i put formula in the cup instead when her dad has her without me? Thanks in advance


Follow on milk

We were gifted 6 tubs of follow on milk. We have stayed on stage 1 up to now as I know the follow on milk is just a marketing thing but I'm just wondering if there's any reason not to use it as it will obviously save us some money. Is it basically the same stuff?


Change of bottle at night

My 2 year old has only 1 bottle at night when he goes a bed. I’m wanting to change it to a different one as baby bottles are bad for their teeth. Any suggestions of what I can use ?


Sterilising when weaning

Are we supposed to be sterilising every spoon/fork/bowl/plate babies use when they begin weaning up until their 1yrs old? And what about teething toys?


Exclusively breastfeeding to Combi

Hey all. I’m looking for your advice/ experience on combi feeding. I’m currently my baby with breast milk only, mainly from the breast but sometimes using a bottle. I’m considering using formula for the last feed of the night just to see if I can get him to sleep longer than 3/4 at a time. Has anyone else done this?...


Having hard day

My baby is sick a lot some time worse than others. Today she throw up 2 of her feeds had to change her. I keep getting covered in it too. She’s not doing long naps,I can’t barely put her down. Just can’t get to the bottom of why she’s sick a lot. Finding it very hard. She seems better on formula but don’t want to gi...


Bottle and pump sterilising

Hi all 👋 I’m due this year and looking up the best way to sterilise bottles / pump parts that takes the least time (including drying) and is safe as possible but nothing seems perfect! Can anyone share their experiences of what they find best? The tommee tippee UV seems the best, but I’ve read that the NHS does…


What am i doing wrong?

Please help me out here..i’m losing my mind..Seems that i can’t get it right with my baby ..we are still on formula, very little food , lots of night wakes and settle only w milk(tried water, doesn’t work) he drinks few ml every 1,2h , never finish a bottle so i still do a bottle every 2 h in case he is hungry but t...



What is the best formula in everyone’s opinion? I want to continue breastfeeding but also need a good formula option. We are using Bobbie right now.


Not feeding as much?

Over the last few days my 5week old baby has gone from inhaling bottles, to being a bit fussy and not really finishing them. We were on 120ml (4oz) every 3 hours with the occasional 150ml (5oz) here and there, but now sometimes we are only finishing 90/100ml with no interest in a top up feed before the next one is...


Settle in time in nursery

How many hours/days would you say is enough for baby/me 🥹 to settle before actual start? I will return to work on 24th March and I thought starting settling time beginning of March 🤔


Milk overnight

For those mummas whose little ones are still waking up in the night - how much milk are they having? Cows milk. Or is anyone still giving their baby formula? Is there a limit / any guidelines on how much they can drink..


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