Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.
Hello ladies, I’ve noticed within the last 2 weeks my breast milk smells and looks different. For context, my baby will be 11 months on the 26th, and she combo feeds. My breast milk never smells like anything, and when it’s freshly expressed, it seems normal. But when I put it in the fridge and warm it the next day ...
My EBF refuses a bottle of formula but will take a bottle of expressed breastmilk. I struggle to find enough time to pump. Has anyone managed to get their LOs on a bottle of formula? My OH would like to be able to give a bottle of formula so I could nip out to do little jobs or go to the gym ect and she wanted milk.
What can I take for a cold?? I am feeling horrible but I am breastfeeding.
My baby is 10 weeks old and just constantly wants my boob. She will not settle for anyone other than me and most the time she uses my boob as a dummy. I’m happy to let her use me for comfort but I have a 2 year old to look after too and it’s extremely hard with her just on me constantly. Even if I want a shower, my ...
Two next month and still having milk not sure if it’s time to stop milk before naps and bedtime? They still eat plenty in the day. Just saw a post saying it should stop at 18 months…
I’m exclusively breast feeding and have woken up with a sore throat - it’s just me with her during the day, is it worth me trying to stay away from her at all? I’m assuming my breastmilk will protect her?
I’m ready to give up. I have one nipple which is severely cracked and it’s agony to feed from and I’ve tried everything to get it to heal. My boobs are constantly engorged which is making everything 10 times worse and a milk bleb on the other so baby is struggling to fully drain. I’m 2.5 weeks into BF and so ready ...
Hi, I'm wondering about the following & I'd appreciate feedback. If there was a website (maybe an app) which would show you breastfeeding locations in the area you are would you use it? Thinking more in relation to baby feeding & changing spaces rather than food establishments. Comments welcome - thanks!
Can my 7 month old have cows milk in her porridge? I've been using breast milk as I know she can't drink cows milk until 1 year but is it okay in porridge/Weetabix? She's had dairy and I've used cows milk in baking.
Hi all, currently I am using medela freestyle and getting around 4oz/120ml both sides every 3 hours. I was wondering if I should buy Spectra since I have read really good reviews about it and whether it will help increase my supply? Would really appreciate your opinions🤍
Hi, so I've not had an easy feeding journey and my little boy is mainly formula fed (I was in hospital for a week after birth due to pre-eclampsia) then issues latching and a difficult recovery meant formula became less stressful. I did however have some luck using nipple shields so breastfeed once or twice a day be...
Photos in comments
Anyone else gave their LO refuse the breast? I’m having no issues breastfeeding at night but no chance LO will latch in the day
What’s your reviews? Might swap my baby to this milk
I been wanting to drink a redbull.. I am breastfeeding but I’ve cut all sugars. I did use to drink coffee and coca. But all cut off, but I am little concerned. Is it really bad if I did drink a redbull? My baby is 9 months..
Hi guys , my daughter is almost 10 months and she has been slowing bitting during feeding time and the last few days are gone crazy that I have mostly switched her to a bottle feeding and solids because the bites are getting intense each time. Any coping mechanism so I can still breastfeed without the biting?
Hi all My 6week EBF baby is really struggling with wind. I have been using infacol which helps but not totally. Had his tongue-tie released on Friday and I’m trying to cut back on dairy to see if that helps. Lots of friends said to try Colief but struggling to as he is BF so trying to then express 3 tablespoon...
My LO is currently 4 months and exclusively breastfed. She has never taken a bottle but I need her to as I have a wedding in April which she isn’t invited too. We have tried the MAM bottle but with no luck (my husband and mother tried feeding her). She doesn’t take a dummy so don’t know if she think the bottle i...
Anyone else having leaky boobs but not able to produce enough milk for the baby? I’ve tried to get my baby to latch on but no luck. Girl rages when we don’t have her milk ready. I’ve tried pumping on schedule but I feel like it’s hurting my boobs more than anything else. If I’m lucky, I get 2oz in a 1hr session o...