Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.
My baby loves frozen breast milk dummies especially atm while he’s teething and completely finishes them. But when giving babies milk from freezer it says the milk needs to be fully defrosted. What’s the difference?
I don’t have syringes just the blue cup container how long can I keep adding to it before I have to freeze and can I keep putting it straight in the container that I’m going to store it in ? And how do I clean the cup I’m collecting my colostrum in can I just wash as normal ?
Hi everyone! 👋 I'm curious. How long is your newborn latching for at a time during breastfeeding - not the entire duration, but like each time they latch on? Is it for a few seconds, minutes? Do they latch for the full duration?! I'm kind of losing my mind at the moment with the frequency of my little one losing…
I had my baby on Saturday night via emergency csection but my breast milk isn't flowing yet, baby latches well but isn't getting anything. Please i need tips and tricks on what to do to get it flowing as i am very keen on breastfeeding..is it advisable to pump and see if anything comes out?
My mom insist of me drinking arnica tea but I googled if I can while breastfeeding and it says it’s not safe but I don’t know why it wouldn’t be safe I really want to drink the tea as I feel it would help with my water weight. Any advise?
Hi Mamas, please help me out. My daughter weight percentile has dropped in her 4 month check up. One thing I have observed that she doesn’t stay on my breast for more than 10 mins. She does cluster feeds because of which i feel that she lacks calories rich hindmilk and hence has slower weight gain. I have tried to f...
FTM and did not read the instructions, I didn’t put this flat or remove the air before putting into the freezer, can I still give it to my baby or use for bath?
At what age did you leave you breastfed baby alone with someone else? He is exclusively breastfed and me and my boyfriend want to go away for our birthdays in april he will be 7 months by then. Im nervous about this as he will only take fresh pumped breast milk (up to 4 days in fridge) no frozen milk and havent ever...
I'm returning to work next month my little girl will be 1 when I return but I wanted to continue our breastfeeding journey for a little bit especially when it's always been her favourite thing for comfort. Did anyone successfully manage this when returning on 12 hr shifts? I'll be 4 days working and 4 days off.
Hey ladies, I’m looking for recommendations for a wearable pump. Currently EBF and would like my partner/family to help with feeding. Looking for something that is: - efficient - relatively quiet - no wires/ remote - durable - no spill
i’m 27 weeks pregnant and have not leaked or whatever it’s called when breast milk starts coming out the nipples, is that normal? should i be worried i wont produce enough breast milk to feed baby when she’s born?
Hi ladies, I'm feeling quite anxious about whether I'll be able to breastfeed. Throughout my pregnancy, I haven’t noticed any signs except for slightly achy breasts, and it’s making me worry that I won’t produce or produce enough milk once the baby arrives. I really want to exclusively breastfeed, so the uncertainty...
I never changed my dr bronzers nipple I didn’t know I was supposed to and my baby is 8 months do I go to level 2 ,3 4 idk cuz the flow may be too fast for him helpppp plzzzz
Has anyone used a sippy cup when their baby was younger than 6 months if so which one would you recommend? Baby girl is refusing bottles and I can’t exclusively breastfeed anymore
I’m exclusively pumping and struggling with mastitis for the second time in just two weeks. The first time, I was pumping every three hours for 30 minutes. Over the past two weeks, I transitioned to pumping every four hours for 30 minutes since I was producing enough for my baby and even had extra to freeze. I was ...
Hello ladies, I’ve noticed within the last 2 weeks my breast milk smells and looks different. For context, my baby will be 11 months on the 26th, and she combo feeds. My breast milk never smells like anything, and when it’s freshly expressed, it seems normal. But when I put it in the fridge and warm it the next day ...
My EBF refuses a bottle of formula but will take a bottle of expressed breastmilk. I struggle to find enough time to pump. Has anyone managed to get their LOs on a bottle of formula? My OH would like to be able to give a bottle of formula so I could nip out to do little jobs or go to the gym ect and she wanted milk.
What can I take for a cold?? I am feeling horrible but I am breastfeeding.
My baby is 10 weeks old and just constantly wants my boob. She will not settle for anyone other than me and most the time she uses my boob as a dummy. I’m happy to let her use me for comfort but I have a 2 year old to look after too and it’s extremely hard with her just on me constantly. Even if I want a shower, my ...