Community Posts, Tips & Support on Breastfeeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.

Cows milk

Can my 7 month old have cows milk in her porridge? I've been using breast milk as I know she can't drink cows milk until 1 year but is it okay in porridge/Weetabix? She's had dairy and I've used cows milk in baking.


Medela freestyle VS Spectra S1 plus hospital grade pump

Hi all, currently I am using medela freestyle and getting around 4oz/120ml both sides every 3 hours. I was wondering if I should buy Spectra since I have read really good reviews about it and whether it will help increase my supply? Would really appreciate your opinions🤍


Increasing Milk supply after 16 weeks

Hi, so I've not had an easy feeding journey and my little boy is mainly formula fed (I was in hospital for a week after birth due to pre-eclampsia) then issues latching and a difficult recovery meant formula became less stressful. I did however have some luck using nipple shields so breastfeed once or twice a day be...


Does anyone have any experience with either of these pumps?

Photos in comments


Breast refusal

Anyone else gave their LO refuse the breast? I’m having no issues breastfeeding at night but no chance LO will latch in the day


Hip organic?

What’s your reviews? Might swap my baby to this milk



I been wanting to drink a redbull.. I am breastfeeding but I’ve cut all sugars. I did use to drink coffee and coca. But all cut off, but I am little concerned. Is it really bad if I did drink a redbull? My baby is 9 months..


How are you all coping with the biting during feeding time ?

Hi guys , my daughter is almost 10 months and she has been slowing bitting during feeding time and the last few days are gone crazy that I have mostly switched her to a bottle feeding and solids because the bites are getting intense each time. Any coping mechanism so I can still breastfeed without the biting?


Breastfed - Colief

Hi all My 6week EBF baby is really struggling with wind. I have been using infacol which helps but not totally. Had his tongue-tie released on Friday and I’m trying to cut back on dairy to see if that helps. Lots of friends said to try Colief but struggling to as he is BF so trying to then express 3 tablespoon...


Bottle Recommendation

My LO is currently 4 months and exclusively breastfed. She has never taken a bottle but I need her to as I have a wedding in April which she isn’t invited too. We have tried the MAM bottle but with no luck (my husband and mother tried feeding her). She doesn’t take a dummy so don’t know if she think the bottle i...


Pumping and all things boobs

Anyone else having leaky boobs but not able to produce enough milk for the baby? I’ve tried to get my baby to latch on but no luck. Girl rages when we don’t have her milk ready. I’ve tried pumping on schedule but I feel like it’s hurting my boobs more than anything else. If I’m lucky, I get 2oz in a 1hr session o...



Does anyone know if it's safe for baby if I took amoxicillin-clav while nursing and baby is on cefdinir at the same time? My dr said oh you can pump and dump and I stared at her bc that's not an option and she said "well if you're worried about it passing" and I told her I'm worried for the baby to have her antibiot...


Proud Mommy Moment

The first night with baby girl was a uh okay …. I’m still trying to get better at get her comfortable enough to latch on… so we had a lot of trials and tribulations last night was led to me, feeling disappointed and frustrated that the fact that I’m letting her down not able to feed her how she wants to be fed.. but...


Lactose intolerant??

Are there any other mama's having this issue with milk??? I want to eat cereal, and it just hurts to.


Period! 😭

Anyone else breastfeeding / pumping and get their period back? I dropped a pump this week and I got my period today 😭😭 Wondering if adding a pump back in will make it go away again 🤷🏽‍♀️


Breastfeeding will my milk ever regulate?!

I had an over supply when my baby was three months because I just wasn’t taught how to pump properly and ended up causing an over supply of milk. It took me a month to get it down so for the whole of January I didn’t have to pump but had to use ice packs. This month I have had to pump a few times due to him not feed...


Collecting colostrum

I just tried to collect colostrum for the first time but collected nothing :( u find it so disheartening even though I know many people don't get anything, especially on their first attempt I had a nice warm bath, massaged for about 10 mins before trying to express but not even a drop came out. I've watched loads o...


Bottle fussiness

(For context, we ditched the perfect prep machine last week and have been making bottles the old school way for about a week). LO is 14 weeks old today and has become extremely fussy regarding the temperature of her milk - if it’s not warm, she won’t take it 😅 even if it’s warm when we start the feed and it cools…


Hungry baby milk

Thinking about switching my little one’s milk over to hungry baby milk.. we currently use the Aldi mamia milk which is great but she’s going through a tub every 5 days (she’s 8weeks old) the tub says babies her age should be having 5 bottles in a 24hr period… my little one currently gets 5oz every 3 hours and her bo...


Baby waking for next feed

Right I am STRUGGLING!! Currently weaning my 7.5mo and no matter how much solids and milk I give her during the day, she’s still waking for a 10pm feed..literally feel like I just don’t get a break!! Is anybody else in the trenches???


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