Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Breastfeeding.
Hi, my LO is 3.5 months and EBF. We were giving her a bottle previously and she was taking it fine, switching between nipples sheilds as well. I had horrific mastitis and an abscess for weeks and couldn't pump but we are fully healed and no longer using nipple sheilds either. We have started trying to introduce the ...
Hat medela pump would you recommend ? Whats everyone’s favourite types!
I'm going back to work in the new year and have been EBF up until now. I'm thinking it's best to start transitioning off the boob and start pumping. Would you start giving a bottle? Or is it worth at this stage? How else have you given breast milk if not in a bottle? We all know how hard it is to get a ebf baby to d...
Hii 😊 Little backstory , I used Tommee Tippee bottles first and it put my little girl off ever going back to breast feeding, the shape of her lips changed into an o and wouldn’t latch the same again, and moved to MAM bottles a few weeks later and it got worse however this time around I’d like to know what bottles…
All moms who exclusively pump which pump do you use? And does it completely empty your breast? I have the zomee pump which was covered by my insurance and I feel like both sides are still full after I pump and that is affecting my supply. I’m thinking of getting a mom cozy hand free pump s12 should I?
My 7 month old is breastfed his whole time. I want to start introducing the bottle but he would not drink only bite. Please send me any tips and bottle recommendations!!
I am EBF mum and my milk flow in initial 2 months was very good. I was occasionally getting mastitis or engorgement. Now I don’t feel that heaviness in my breast, all the time I keep on thinking that might be my breast milk is near to end? However baby is gaining good weight, like he born with 3.2 kg and now 7.5...
Does anyone else’s 1 week old feed for 2/3 hours straight?! It’s destroying me I’m so bloody tired and my boobs are getting so sore…. If she isn’t on my boob she screams constantly… I feel like all I’m doing is feeding or trying to stop her crying Is this normal or is there something wrong? Please help I’m at my wi...
How long is everyone’s babies feeding for? My LO is 4 weeks and feeding times really varies between 10-40 mins! Sometimes only 10 mins. I’m wondering if he getting enough milk?
my little one is 6 weeks old and seems to not want the boob anymore only really warly morning feeds and when ahes waking at night. shes become become very fussy during the day and will just pull of the breast but will have her bottle. Im thinkinf maybe my milk supply is going down ?
Baby was born 8.6 lbs & is now 6lbs. 3weeks old & only pooped 4x. Constantly crying & always hungry bc shes only getting 1oz every 4 to 6 hours. That baby is literally starving! Doctor said put him on formula & they are still trying to breastfeed. I get being sad &feeling defeated that you can't produce enough milk....
So my question is how do you know your baby drank enough from the breast? So a little background… my little girl turned 1 month yesterday (Friday) and it was the first time I got her to latch and feed from me. This was not for lack of trying beforehand. My little girl was born with a severe upper lip tie and a tongu...
Hi all, I'll go to the breastfeeding support on Wednesday, but in the meantime... Is it possible that my LO (4 weeks) is suddenly not latching correctly only on one breast? In the last few days the nipple has hurt a lot when he latches and then for a while after the feed, sometimes also during. All good with the oth...
I’m 4 weeks into breastfeeding and so far it’s been perfect! He has a great latch and no problems at all, however past few days I find he can be really lazy with his latch and just slipping on and off like he’s not making the effort. It isn’t all the time, just a couple times through the day, and weight gain is grea...
I have been exclusively breastfeeding for 6 months (never pumped or given him a bottle) and am thinking it might be time to try pumping so I can build a little stash to add to his puréed meals and maybe give him the odd bottle here and there. No idea where to start. Looking for a cheap manual pump to see how it goes...
Im exclusively breastfeeding my 3 week old. My husband said I wasn't doing my sons washing properly (clothes) which i retaliated with our son is constantly on the breast, why don't you try breastfeeding and then ill get the clothes done to your standards. Which later turned into him telling me how hard it is for him...
FTM he’s only 5 days old 🥹 I’m exclusive pumping, and I’m just a little confused I feel there is a more efficient way of storing my pumped milk but idk What I have been doing is using bottles basically popping em in the fridge Writing what time that was pumped. And kind of pouring in and out. Also the…
My son is almost 4 months old and he is CHUNKY. He was 6lb 9 when he was born and i think the last 6 weeks hes gained so much weight i feel like its too fast? Is that a thing? He breastfeeds every 2 hours or so. Anyone else have similar worries?
Best bottles! I’m not breastfeeding. Right now she uses Phillips avent anti colic and natural however I feel like she eats super fast and becomes gassy at night
I had the coil IUD put back in last week and it's causing really painful cramps, it did this the first time and took about a month to settle. This time I'm breastfeeding so can't take cocodamol, which usually helps. I've asked the pharmacists and they've all told me I can't have anything but paracetamol which isn't ...