Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
How long after your c section did you have a bath?
My eldest is 19 months and she is in full toddler mode, she walks around, throws tantrums, climbs everything - all the usual toddler chaos! She doesn't go to nursery and I'm a stay home mum! But my youngest is 2 weeks old and breastfed. He breastfeeds for about 30/40 minutes every 1-2 hours during the day. My partne...
How the hell are you guys putting down your babies who EBF, fall asleep at the boob and love to contact nap without a dummy? I'm honestly at a loss. As soon as my LO is asleep, I try to put her down feet first in her snuzpod but she wakes up straight away crying. She also doesn't like her face being stroked or I can...
In 4 months PP. Not breast feeding and my period is 10 days late. Also not pregnant, was careful & I done two tests, one at 1 day late and one at 7 days late, surely it would come up? Is it normal for your periods to be irregular after having a baby? Let two periods were bang on time …
My 2nd baby is 5 weeks old today! 🥳 She has been combo fed from the start but now I am considering pumping and giving her breast milk like that. Can anyone help and/or suggest the best way to not loose supply and how often I should pump? My 1st baby was breast fed for the first 5 months and then combo fed but I…
Does your child say much
What strollers are people using that do not cost an arm and a leg? We have a Joie one that we used for holidays and now use in the UK but my little one just looks so uncomfortable in it. Ideas would be great
My little girl is 9 nearly 10 months old. She has never been the most amazing sleeper but also not the worst. We have coslept from birth as she refused to be put down from day 1. That said, shes always been fine napping in prams or napping on the bed by herself in the day and when being put down at night. Most often...
Hi moms My LO hasn’t pooped for 4 days now. I’m getting worried. What do I do? Is anyone going through same?
Is anyone out the other side ? Everything is proving difficult, getting her to sleep, putting her in her sleep bag, simple tasks … she is banging her head in frustration 😩
Venting here because I'm pissed about something I saw in a mom discord and I don't want to be a bitch about it but I have to get it off my chest. We all have "Oops" moments. Baby rolled off the couch. Toddler fell down the stairs. Toddler got a hold of something they shouldn't. It happens. No one is perfect. An "O...
My 17 month old has always been a good sleeper, till last few days…All of a sudden he’s started crying alot & waking up multiple times throughout the night. Don’t know what it is, maybe his stomach or stress?? it’s soo frustrating. Even when he’s on the bed he’s wailing and little cries here & there. What could it b...
Do you all feed LO each breast and be done with it or keep switching from breast to breast until baby wants no more?
How often is your baby pooping and what food? My sons on breast milk and formula. He was only going once a day and straining/unhappy so i trialled on just breast milk for a few days and he’s still only going once a day where as before he was having a few dirty nappies a day. Any advice ?
Hi everyone, I have a 10 month old that only drinks 2 bottles of formula throughout the day is this normal. He does have his water throughout the whole day with his meals or if he is thirsty
My 10 week old has suddenly started really crying when trying to soothe her for naps and bedtime. It’s really quite distressing - don’t get me wrong she would normally have a little moan but it’s ramped up that last couple of days. She has only been cat napping, today I made sure we did a contact nap so she slept f...
I need some advice!! I'm so torn between a uv steriliser or just a steam one?!! What have other mums got?!
I’m 6 days postpartum and I’ve been breastfeeding. Has anyone experienced reduced appetite? I’m really conscious I need to keep eating for my milk supply, I feel like I’m essentially having to force myself to eat. Has anyone else experienced this?
Is there anyone who isn’t getting their baby vaccinated? I don’t want pointless comments about why I should get my baby vaccinated - its my choice.
My boy just wants to be on his legs, I was worried that it might not be good so early on and could cause ‘’ bow’’ legs but watched video of paediatricians debunking myths around babies and this was one of them. That it does not cause defects and is actually good for strengthening muscles.