Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
Graco or city select Looking for a double
Does anyone else go on Instagram at the moment and get completely overwhelmed with all the advice on how to make your baby sleep through the night? My reality is my ten week old breast milk fed twins are still waking every 2-3 hours day and night for food and are showing zero signs of being ready to sleep through th...
Hi, I am trying to collect colostrum since 2 days but no luck so far.. do you guys have any tips? First I tried to hand express but it’s difficult then I tried the pump but still no luck P.s I did see very tiny drops but couldn’t collect in syringe cuz they were very tiny
Hello, I am 37 weeks and have been trying to collect colostrum but nothing is coming. I am worried I am doing something wrong or I just am not producing any. Any advice will be most welcome. Thank you 😊
Anyone that co sleeps do you have your partner in the bed to on the other side of you?
I’m starting to feel really down about not being able to collect any colostrum. I wasn’t expecting to get any first time but this is my 5th day of trying now with no luck. On Saturday I saw a glistening coming out of one nipple but other than that, nothing! I’ve tried in the bath, I’ve tried putting a hot water bo...
Hey! Is anyone else’s 18 month old still not saying any words yet? I know all babies develop at their own rate, however it’s been playing on my mind for quite a while now. He only ever says ‘nom nom’ if he’s hungry, or is eating something he likes, and babbles ‘mamamamama’ and ‘nanananana’. Is anyone else’s baby li...
How to fix a shallow latch? My baby has become lazy and only has a shallow latch which is causing me pain! How can I fix it now? (5 weeks old)
My LB is now 10 months old, he ends up in my bed EVERY night, becomes so distressed in his cot and pulls up to stand and screams the house down 😭 I’ve noticed when he comes to my bed he works his way over to lie on a pillow straight away, has anyone either put a pillow under their baby’s sheet or considered doing…
Heyyy ladies. I have MANY newborn diapers, formula, and clothes, that I’m looking to bless someone with. I stay in the University area.
Anyone else’s 2 year old rubbish at sleeping 😭 she was asleep for literally 10 mins and now she’s wide awake now so another night of no sleep she can literally Live off no sleep 😩. Am struggling cause I also have a 7 month old who still wakes through the night too. I feel like it’ll never end 😭
Hi all, I gave birth to my darling daughter on the 18th February and she has been in intensive care for the past 3 days so I have been pumping. Can you please recommend how to increase supply? I am currently double pumping getting 80ml approximately every 3 hours but want to have as much backup milk as possible!! ...
How can I move my baby’s bedtime forward? My baby sleeps 11pm - 10am and anything before that he sees as a nap. It worked for us at first as the baby would nap loads in the day but not so much anymore and now, me and my partner would love some alone time in the evening. Every night it’s a fight- he will cry, scream ...
Stuck between these two pushchairs, if you have either can you please comment whether you would recommend?
Hi! We feed our almost 6 month old daughter with Dr. Brown's bottles. We recently switched to nipple size 2 for 3 months +, but she eats so quickly and vomits 1/4 of the time after eating. I'm considering going back to a 1. What nipple size are you using?
My LG is 16months. She is EBF but will take a bottle… I’m leaving her overnight with my mum this week for the first time. She usually nurses to sleep and co-sleeps so has boob all night on/off. I don’t know how my mums going to comfort her when she wakes in the night… She dosnt take a dummy, boob is her only real ...
I use this Milton bottle cleaner... before putting them in the steriliser But it's expensive. Does anyone know a cheaper alternative apart from fairy liquid? Thank you 😄
What time does your 11 month old baby go to sleep?
Help. Does anyone know the name of those baby carrier sling things please? The ones that go over the shoulder and the ads keep coming up on insta. My boy is huge! Chunky AND tall. He’s outgrown the normal baby carrier now and I need the name of these to search Vinted x
How many got the new rsv vaccine 💉 I opted out for it. Didn’t have it with my first and might sound silly but don’t I trust “new vaccines”