Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
My nearly 9 month old had a bumblebee back/head support on and she fell from a sitting position and smacked her head on the floor as they bumblebee slid to one side. She cried immediately, I can't feel any sort of lump, and she's really grouchy now crying a lot. Our nearest hospital with a child a&e is an hour away ...
Asking because I'm considering getting it done after I give birth this summer or early fall depending on how things go
Some mom posted that gerber food was 50% off in the store . I commented that gerber has active lawsuits for the metals and other bad things in the food that are causing autism and other problems with babies and children. They got mad and said I’m shaming them for their choice to buy gerber. I thought I was spreading...
My daughter is 5 months old on Thursday and as of yesterday, she hasn't let me put her down to do anything. I can't even get myself something to eat without her sobbing until she can't catch her breath. For context, my kitchen and living room are the same room, she can still see and hear me. I've tried talking t...
I’m actually a little embarrassed to even write this post but hoping it’s a safe space to let out some feelings. My 4 month old daughter prefers her Dad and it’s crushing me. She absolutely lights up when he comes into the room, chats away to him, follows him around the room with her eyes all the time. I know she d...
My body is so sore from carrying my baby and doing things with her. She's 6 months now and think going onto 8kgs. My right arm is sore. Last night my whole arm was painting. My feet are so sore. My back is sore. Feels like my body is giving in. Anyone else experiencing this? Honestly too tired to stretch or exercise.
I’m almost 9 months postpartum and me and my husband have sex 1-2 times a month. Is this normal? I’d like to have sex more often, but he doesn’t seem interested. He blames it on the baby sleeping in bed with us (as if there’s not other areas of the house). Idk… just feeling undesired and ugly.
Honest experience going through a shelter with a baby. I really feel that’s my only way I need to leave this abusive cycle.
i’m 21 weeks pregnant with our second child (first is almost ten months) so my husband and i talked about him getting a vasectomy since we now have both a boy and a girl and feel content with our little family. i now question whether or not that’s a good idea because we are only 22 (he’ll turn 23 before babe gets he...
What’s the worst thing you said/did while having postpartum rage? I feel like I have no control when it’s happening. I yell really loud it scares my baby and she cries. I don’t want to traumatize her. I just lose it over the smallest things sometimes.
Hello! I am 2 month postpartum and got my period on Saturday! It stared light brown spotting then through out the day it started getting read and heavier also before my period started I got pain in my armpit. It looks swollen and it’s only on my right side. I pump and breastfeed so I don’t think it’s my milk. Anywa...
I have a horrible relationship with my mil and since being around her I’ve gotten on depression meds. I’ve since got off but it’s getting bad again and I think I have ppr. I am literally probably only happy30% of the day. I am so snappy and I just don’t have any patience. My husband has expressed he doesn’t want me ...
With my first, my OB was concerned I’d tear as I was pushing, so he asked if he could make a teeny tiny sideways incision to ensure I didn’t tear, he said recovering from a planned clean tiny incision would be 10x times easier than recovering from a spontaneous tear (especially had it of been in multiple directions ...
Has anyone else noticed their hair falling out. More than it used to before pregnancy? Mines just started to fall out after being pregnant, but it's getting to the point I'm starting to get bald patches. As I know, your hair either stops falling out all together or less hair falls out and then makes up for it after....
In March one of my friends have invited me to go weekend away from Friday to Sunday evening. I got no problem with going with them but have anyone have leave baby with their dad for 2 night. Am I bad mum to leave 7 month old baby does she need me ? It is very rare that I go out on my own as I have keep letting my fr...
My daughter is 2 year old and at nursery Recently we have been getting questioned and filling in reports about bruises on her. She has a cut on her hand from a toy she chewed and made sharp. Bruise on her thigh from playing or being carried by people. And she had a tantrum recently and started hitting her hea...
My MIL always tells us to just let our baby cry when is he is fed, changed and let him solve his own problems before picking him up. For the record he is 11 weeks old! Still learning he has hands and can barely see clearly. Definitely fresh out of the womb discovering the world. And her comments about letting him cr...
How are you getting on with your healing? Any incontinence?
Hey , I’m 38 weeks and 4 days and baby girl still hasn’t come. I took castor oil twice , curbed walked , walked since 36 weeks and I’m still not dilated, do anybody know how I could give baby girl an eviction notice 😂 or some tips on how I could get her out . Cervix 60% effacement
How's everyone feeling? Y'all holding up okay? I'm tired, but not as bad as I was with my first thankfully. I forgot how draining breastfeeding is and how stressful going bathroom is 😅 my save and grace is 100% my peri bottle. So desperately ready to feel normal again.