Community Posts, Tips & Support on Sex & Relationships

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Sex & Relationships.

Lets be besties 💓

I need a friend during this last trimester and forever after lol 3rd trimesters killing me lol my due date is April 18th anyone close to it?


Baby daddy 🙄

Yall idk what to do … my baby father has nowhere to go to go .. felony .. gonna have the nerve to tell me he can’t get foodstamps … ain’t have a job in years & I been holding shit down for years . I am tired and I don’t even want to be with the man but for the sake of my son , I let him stay with us . We have joint ...



Why is it so hard to find a bbfl!(best friend for life!) I'm awkward and shy at first but totally unhinged when comfortable! Really need a best friend, someone to socialize with!!



Would you put this on your 4 yr old boy for Valentine’s Day?


Need a Friend...

Hey! I'm really just in need of a good friend. Someone I can talk to about anything and vice versa (I'm an excellent listener), someone non judgemental, fun, outgoing, and just overall a girls girl. Making friends as an adult is hard, and I just really need a good, honest friend. I'm 33, live in Toronto, have an alm...


I need a friend!

I really just want a friend. Someone to share tik toks, funny memes, and just have random conversations with. I live in Massachusetts, if you live near me great, if not, a long-distance bestie is cool too!


Obsessed friends

You know those girls who always talk to each other multiple times a day and are practically joined at the hip? Yeah I want that. I want friends who are kind of like I am and wants to be obsessed over, for lac of better words 😂 I have Snapchat so add me? K-Cinderella


Anyone wanna ft?

Message me I’m looking for mom friends 😌


i feel so used 😢

my baby’s dad and i aren’t together but he comes and sees our son every now and then, i found out through my friend that my baby’s dad had been talking bad about me and saying about how it’s easier to sleep with me now because im a “desperate baby mum” and “no one else wants me” it’s so sad to me because i was tryi...


Friends or besties 🥰

I’m a mom to a soon to be three year old little boy. We both would love some friends! Far and near, all are good 🥺


MIL relationship

I feel disappointed with my mother in law (MIL) and like the dynamic is so uneven (in her favour) which is making me super frustrated and I don’t know how to change it. Ever since I fell pregnant she’s maintained a standoffish attitude about her grandchild eg when her husband would tell us they would help out she wo...


Group name ideas? 🦖

I wanna start a group for other moms/women who love paleontology and dinosaurs. It might end up just being me by myself sharing a bunch of dinosaur stuff lmao, but I figured I might as well make a group and maybe I'll find a lil community that shares my main interests! Or maybe y'all will join just for fun, who know...



Who is interested in chatting,hanging out,going for walks or going for soft plays for kids,I have a one year baby and I hardly go out and I want to make new friends


Making friends

I find it hard making new friends,been in the uk for 3years and only had one friend but she moved to another state due to work,now I have no friend to talk to or hang out with and now it is getting to me because I feel lonely most times,my partner doesn’t care because he is out most times and hardly at home and it i...


Paying for video!

So my partner and I have 2 kids together. I’m never on his phone but I went on it to make a phone call and this is the conversation I found. Paying a girl for some videos. He could have easily went on pornhub. Would u class this as cheating?? Him- “Hey how much is your content xx” Her-“Hey here is my list xx” sen...


Have you noticed?

Have you noticed an increase in the following two things? Why do you think this is happening? Isnt this supposed to be a place to support each other... we have a choice to leave comments or not. 1. Judgemental rude comments 2. Troll posts


Needs to leave

I want my baby daddy to leave my apartment. I have a one bedroom and I feel like I’m always stuck in one room because he sleeps in my living room and I really just want him to leave cus I never even told him he could come to my house honestly smh 🤦🏿‍♂️ he just came after I had my baby because he was our ride and…


Does your social anxiety make you come off bitchy?

Does it make it hard for you to make friends?


Looking for mommy friends.

Since having my little girl who’s 2.5 years old, I’ve lost a lot of friends. So looking for mommy’s who wouldn’t mind play dates/someone to talk to/wtc


Nervous to move

Hello mamas I’m looking for advice from anyone who lives in Ohio of the surrounding areas Struthers, boardman, Poland, Campbell or Youngstown I only live in new castle pa which isn’t far I’m looking to move over there soon and want to know what’s it like around neighborhoods I’m a mama of 4 with another on the way t...


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