Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Sex & Relationships.
We used to have sex at least once every day. We had twins last July and even after that for a couple of months we still were doing it daily. Now it’s about 1-2 times per week. I believe it’s a combination of the obvious- being tired, and also we’ve been arguing almost every day. Everything else is pretty much the sa...
Any mammas wanna be text or FaceTime buddies? Im in the middle of moving to kempston soon so no money to go anywhere but im bored as hell 🤣
Any one with Samsung or Google messages wanna join a group chat
Anybody looking for a friend to virtually do life with? Send me your before n afters of cleaning, food pics, links to whatever you are watching/listening to? Just a buddy to chat throughout the day. I'm a SAHM of 2 and 32 weeks pregnant with #3. Hmu 🙃
Anyone still active here?
Follow the mum village Chelmsford. They will be hosting their first event very soon perfect way to make mum friends
So I have three kids two with my ex and one with my current. There was an incident at my house last year before I had my third baby where my ex came and kicked down my door and we had to go to court for it and they gave us a temporary protective order and he wind up moving. I got a call today from my ex mother-in-la...
If yes..how?!?
Mommy of 2 and definitely need mommy friends. It's lonely not having adults to talk to lol my 3yr and 4 week old don't hold the best conversations lol jk
It's so lonely. Not having anyone to talk to but my 4 week old and 4 yr old lol
Looking for friends, I’m in Stony Point 🤞
So I’ve recently moved to Stone I have a little boy who will be 2 in May. I’m looking to make friends! Does anyone fancy going for a coffee sometime?
Any other mamas on here who love coffee? How do you like your coffee?
Sorry if TMI but wondering how everyone’s sex life is currently coping? Im 35W and luckily throughout this pregnancy I haven’t lost my drive at all and we’ve still made time for each other at least once a week. I’m still totally down for it however I sense the vibe is changing from my partner slightly and he doesn’t...
Someone add me an let's talk I can't sleep an rather have someone to talk to ! Lol not trying be awkward
I truly love him more than anything so I don't know why I'm feeling this way. I'm frustrated and so so hurt and angry at his past 😅 he's 24 I'm 1 and we have a 4 month old baby together. We've been together 2 years. He has slept with 10 other women before me, been to strip clubs, dated a lot, etc. I had one…
I need a friend during this last trimester and forever after lol 3rd trimesters killing me lol my due date is April 18th anyone close to it?
Yall idk what to do … my baby father has nowhere to go to go .. felony .. gonna have the nerve to tell me he can’t get foodstamps … ain’t have a job in years & I been holding shit down for years . I am tired and I don’t even want to be with the man but for the sake of my son , I let him stay with us . We have joint ...
Why is it so hard to find a bbfl!(best friend for life!) I'm awkward and shy at first but totally unhinged when comfortable! Really need a best friend, someone to socialize with!!
Would you put this on your 4 yr old boy for Valentine’s Day?