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Period was due last Sunday?
I’m currently 9dpo. I had the faintest line on a test yesterday evening, followed by a stronger line on a wondfo this morning, still faint but it’s there. I then tested on a digital and it says not pregnant. I had a chemical a few months ago and never got a pregnant on a digital so I’m worried
I feel like i can see a faint line but not sure if I'm just being overly hopeful... Anyone else think it's positive or negative?
Hi I started tests at 4dp5dt so I could see where my trigger line was at. I got a faint positivinas expected. At 5dp5dt I got again another faint line not sure if slightly darker but the same. I tested on the evening too for no reason and I felt like that was a slightly darker test. Obviously super excited to t...
Anyone else relate?
I took a test today, this green lime showed up what dose that mean ?? On google it says it's a positive but I wanna know had anyone else had this I'm 27 days late on my period
I’m struggling a lot right now mentally and could use some encouragement Dear BD, I used to cry myself to sleep because the man I fell in love with is not the man I see before me now. The man I loved took pride in being a father. He was present, engaged, and spoke about his children with a love so deep it was impos...
does anyone else hate when people try to instill some sort of ‘fear’ or question you for wanting more kids…? they’re all like “are you sure you want more kids after dealing wi—“ YES I am sure! 🙄🙄 going through pregnancy all over again and then having to take care of multiple kids/babies in the end is hard of…
Not sure anyone on here will even see it 🥺 but no one else to talk to. it came up within 3 mins and has stayed and not faded. My issue is my last period came a little later due to me taking tablets to delay it while I was on holiday, so I don't know if I ovulated on time or later etc. I am supposed to start my…
So my period was supposed to come between the 10-15th thus month and still hasn't shown up. I've took a few tests staggering between 4-5 days each time I take a test and they keep coming up negative. I'm at a loss of what I should do or what could be the cause of it not showing up. I'm almost 1 year postpartum with ...
Hi so my results were posted but my consult is not until next week, so...Google time. Could anyone please give their opinion about the following : 34yo 10 follicles on each ovary Amh 7.4 Chatgpt said amh is low but follicles seem OK? Any comments?
Has anyone ever adopted there step children? We are looking into it, there bio mum was in and out there life for the last 6 years and has disappeared for the last 3 months so not sure if that affects it or not. I want to adopt the kids god for bid something happens to my husband I can keep the kids and they don't ha...
5 weeks late. Usually regular. Did clear blue rapid detection tests but turned negative as soon as urine on it. Is this right?
I thought I already ovulated on/around the 13th March Is this normal to peak again
We stopped trying to focus on my new job…and I tested tonight. Too faint to be positive? Kind of freaking out 🙈
Hi all, so my period is late and I did a test last night, there was a very faint line which I've had happen before (last time it was a chemical) so I figured I'd try again using morning wee. The test was negative again this morning tho! Would you assume it was a false positive? Or try again in a few days. It is only...
I had a miscarriage last week but my scan shows there is still tissue left inside. How long did it take to come out and test negative?
Has anyone experienced five negative home pregnancy tests? I’m four days late on my period on one app and one day late on the other. My stomach is showing, and I have an increased appetite. Should I go to my OB-GYN or not?
I went to the grocery store pregnant and with my toddler the other day and realized I have no idea how I’m gonna do this with two of them. Help lmao. It’s hard enough with just her.
Fiancé wants another baby 🤦🏽♀️ we have 4 boys in all youngest being 2 years old . I have breast reduction surgery in 20 days 😂. He understands the waiting period. But he also wants to try for a girl . I love him and our family but come on .