Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Planning for a Baby.
Has anybody got endometriosis? I’ve got it and struggling to conceive? Anybody tips or tricks would be helpful thank you!
This is my third pregnancy test and it’s still negative but my period still hasn’t come so what should I do?
Is this an early positive????
Is this an early positive?!?!?
Is this a early positive?
This is definitely a positive, isn’t it? I’m 2 days late on my period. There’s obviously some colour in the line but it’s not a thick line
Fellow co-sleepers/contact nappers/on-demand feeders - how are we dealing with unwanted advice and comments about “a rod for your own back”? My (kind and well meaning) MIL keeps offering unsolicited advice even though I’ve explained that I’ve done research on attachment parenting and that I’m doing what feels right...
Is this negative?
CD16 and looks like it’s go time🎉 We’ve been doing the sperm meets egg plan this month so have been at it since CD8, husband is worn out 🤭 Four more goes until he can have a rest 😂🥲
Anyone else feeling really deflated and disheartened that you have been trying and the tests look positive but are not,this whole ttc thing is really getting me down
It feels a life time since I’ve put a post out on this app and recently found myself drawn back to it as it greatly helped me on conceiving our first baby who’s currently 18months old via ICSI gratefully on the NHS. Has anyone used Access fertility to help pay for IVf? We’re currently looking at going for baby No...
I’ve been trying for the last couple months, and nothing has been successful. How do I get my numbers higher? Last time I got pregnant, was almost 5 years ago and it was right after a miscarriage so I was very fertile still. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
I have pcos and I wondered what I could help to get pregnant because it’s been 10 months and nothing! I’m ovulating but my lines are never really dark dark!
Hi idk what is going on. I am 2 days late for my period. Today(01/16) if it doesn’t show will be day 3. Yesterday (01/15) I took two different types of pregnancy test and they were negative with the control line being faint which I thought was weird. Should I try testing again if it doesn’t show today and if so when...
Hey everyone I’ve been tracking my BBT this cycle I have a Femometer ring, it was quite expensive but I’m beginning to think it was worth the money. I was looking for a uplift in my temperature which happened the day after peak but i tried on CD 21 and normally I wouldn’t have again as we use a donor (same sex coupl...
I don’t feel like my tests have got darker over the last few days. I’m worried I’m having another chemical or I’ll have another early miscarriage. Found out 10dpo I’m now17dpo. I would have expected a dye stealer by now? Am I able to call my GP and request bloods? Not sure about the process
I have two boys, youngest is 5 months. We decided we’ll wait a bit (maybe until youngest is 2?) until deciding whether or not to have a third. I think about it a lot whether it makes sense for our family. I definitely have room in my heart for a third, but I think from a practicality standpoint, we should stop at 2....
My hubby and my two best friends both agree the lines are there and then I took a digital tonight and it said not pregnant. I’m 12 dpo, I hadn’t intended to take a test yet but I had to check before I took an advil. I’ll take another line test in the morning, maybe my sample was just too diluted for the digital? My ...
This baby is being adopted due to financial reasons and I cannot afford to keep her. I already have 3 kids and I know the best choice for my family financially would be to not add another one. I was not mentally able to go through with an abortion so I found an amazing couple to adopt instead. They have been there...
so my period is 20 days late & i’ve been cramping for three days with no blood and my yitties HURT i took a test on January 5th, it was negative so i waited and i took one today around 4:30 pm.. the ovulation test is positive but the pregnancy test is negative.. i don’t understand