Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Planning for a Baby.
Hey everyone I’ve been tracking my BBT this cycle I have a Femometer ring, it was quite expensive but I’m beginning to think it was worth the money. I was looking for a uplift in my temperature which happened the day after peak but i tried on CD 21 and normally I wouldn’t have again as we use a donor (same sex coupl...
I don’t feel like my tests have got darker over the last few days. I’m worried I’m having another chemical or I’ll have another early miscarriage. Found out 10dpo I’m now17dpo. I would have expected a dye stealer by now? Am I able to call my GP and request bloods? Not sure about the process
I have two boys, youngest is 5 months. We decided we’ll wait a bit (maybe until youngest is 2?) until deciding whether or not to have a third. I think about it a lot whether it makes sense for our family. I definitely have room in my heart for a third, but I think from a practicality standpoint, we should stop at 2....
My hubby and my two best friends both agree the lines are there and then I took a digital tonight and it said not pregnant. I’m 12 dpo, I hadn’t intended to take a test yet but I had to check before I took an advil. I’ll take another line test in the morning, maybe my sample was just too diluted for the digital? My ...
This baby is being adopted due to financial reasons and I cannot afford to keep her. I already have 3 kids and I know the best choice for my family financially would be to not add another one. I was not mentally able to go through with an abortion so I found an amazing couple to adopt instead. They have been there...
so my period is 20 days late & i’ve been cramping for three days with no blood and my yitties HURT i took a test on January 5th, it was negative so i waited and i took one today around 4:30 pm.. the ovulation test is positive but the pregnancy test is negative.. i don’t understand
Hello I am a few days away from my period. 10DPO. This morning I woke up at 5AM to use the bathroom and took some tests with first morning urine. They turned positive. They were faint lines but definitely there. I’ve taken tests through out today and they’ve all been negative. Maybe could see shadow on a few but so...
I'm currently on an IUD. I had a LEEP procedure Dec 16th and wondering if my IUD moved and now I'm pregnant. Does it look like a faint positive?
Guess I got a false positive
My husband did “that” inside me this morning. Hadn’t checked my cycle tracking app since my period ended and it said ovulation in 1 day. Took an ovulation test now and it was very positive. I’m not necessarily trying to get pregnant but also wouldn’t be mad either way. Do you think it’s a high possibility I conceive...
So I posted this morning with tests that looked like faint positives. I haven’t been able to hold well because for some reason I’m peeing like crazy even without drinking much fluids. But this is the update. I feel like maybe see it still?
I'm mixed race. My partner is white and often makes insensitive comments (I feel anyway) Recently we were having a discussion and I related the topic I was talking about to "whites making blacks slaves back in the old days" and he responded "blacks made other blacks slaves first in Africa. They started it." I g...
Does anyone based in the UK know what the process is for an FET? I have a toddler who turns 2 next month and feel like I’ve been away from the process for ages. We had 2 fresh transfers the first time around to have our son so I have no idea what FET is like if anyone has any info they could share? We are hoping to ...
About to go for round 2 of ivf but a FET this time. Can you tell me your best advice and tips for what you think a successful round would be? McDonald’s salty chips are obviously a must!!
Evap ? Or light positive ? Asking for a friend.
Am I seeing this right? Sorry... I had my baby a year ago from IVF after years of infertility. I'm a little in shock and now questioning if I'm reading this right... xx
I’m only day 8 of my cycle and this looks positive? My cycles are bang on 28 days and very regular so why would it be positive so early? Shouldn’t I be ovulating at day 14? My period only ended 3/4 days ago!
Hi girls, hopefully this picture is clear, I did a pregnancy test this morning but a little busy to post, this line has appeared but appears to be faint. Would you say this is an evap line? Any help is appreciated. I am going to carry on testing as my period is due in 4 days
Hi I’m going through second IVF after a failed IVF 20 months ago and started last week on 350 and I’ve just had my internal scan to check my follicles and they’ve upped the dose to 450 anyone else experienced increase or decrease with their stims?
I’m not dreaming am I? I had my 5th MMC in October.. This can’t be real?? 🥺😳