Community Posts, Tips & Support on Planning for a Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Planning for a Baby.

Clear blue!!!

Hello, TTC for baby number 2. I would like to just say how frustrating these tests are. The top one is from 2 days ago but to me it looks just like a dent lint or evap line, so I took another one yesterday (bottom) and there is a very faint line, I’m thinking great 👍🏼 I took a digital test yesterday and this…


Low fertility to peak

Hi, I’ve just started using the clear blue advanced ovulation tests. For the last two days I’ve tested twice a day (am & pm) and got the empty circle meaning low fertility. I’ve just tested this morning and I’ve got a static smiley face which means peak. So I didn’t get a flashing smiley face (high fertility) at a...


Had the line got lighter?

I’ve been testing almost every day up until my first test. The line has been progressively getting better however this morning the line has lightened drastically. I have an early scan tomorrow but I’m freaking out now. Could the test be faulty or is it definitely lighter.



I've done a clear blue it says pregnant 2-3 but I started monjaro 3 weeks ago and took a pregnancy test and it was negative ? How far along does this mean I am ? And what would I be able to do ? To get this checked out to make sure the baby is ok ?


Child services and foster care

My son has been taken into care because of his dad n ive been told its about 6 months before i can possibly have him back has anyone gone through this before


What does “ spoilt” mean to you ?

Like what would a child have to do for you to use the term spoilt ?



Are we still Christening our babies or leaving them to choose their faith?


What is the best free Fertility/Period Tracker app?

I used to have Ovia and loved it, but it’s no longer available in the UK!


Could I be pregnant?

This is my period tracker I last had my period 31st October and the hearts are intercourse. I’m 15 days late according to my tracker but haven’t come on and tests are negative. I did have a contraceptive injection for the first time in July but only had that one dose that ran out end of October but didn’t get anothe...


Clearblue weeks indicator

If I tested positive at 11dpo does anyone know when I’ll get 2-3 weeks please? X


Single Mama by Choice

I chose to undergo IVF on my own. I’m glad of my decision. Sometimes I do worry, but I honestly don’t have the emotional capacity to be in a relationship. People are too inconsistent for me😩


Why do people care if you mutilate your sons genitals? We are all out here parenting how we believe is best.

Seriously, why can't we just respect the fact that we are all out here doing our best. We are doing what we believe is best for our kids.



Is this positive or evaporation line


Please I need advice 🥹🥹🥹

8 months pp and I haven’t seen my period this month it’s like 3/4 days late I spoke to the health practitioner she asked I do a strip test which turned out negative but I’m still not settled she asked that I repeat the test in days but she said it could be because I’m still breastfeeding as this can cause irregular ...



So if I got a static smiley last night, when am I due to ovulate? I’m so confused 😂


Baby being passed around at Christmas

With Christmas approaching does anyone else hate the idea of family members you don’t really get on with holding your little one? I know people can be firm about others holding their baby but he’s not a newborn anymore and some are quite close family so I feel there’s an expectation.


TWW is on..

1 or 2 DPO. I’m not 100% sure but either way the wait is on!


7DPT Negative

What are the chances this can turn positive in 4 days time on testing day? I had a lot of pee this morning when I tested, however I couldn't even see a faint line..


How long did it take to conceive?

I’m worried that I’ve had 6 cycles now since being cleared to TTC after my ectopic treated with methotrexate. My cycles are regular but getting shorter and nothing happening. How long did it take you after an ectopic with methotrexate?



I’m 5 month PP and done a pregnancy test last night as I haven’t had my period for a while and I thought it was negative and there it away my partner this morning told me there was two line and one was very faint! When I was pregnant the first time it was vivid two lines, does this mean I’m pregnant?


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