Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Planning for a Baby.
I did a clearblue pregancy test on Friday morning that was positive. I tried again Saturday night and there was tiny almost invisible blue line. I have read up and know the first one could have been a false positive and the second a evap line but I know yih shouldn't have a lot to drink cos it could change it. Its...
I had a miscarriage on 17th November and tested negative last month but positive on Sunday and now got this does this mean I’m 5 weeks?
Hi mums! I'm 36 with a 3 month old and I'm so keen for her to have siblings. I would love 3 or more kids but I know I'm not young. Always wanted a large family but past relationships didn't work out and I met my lovely husband in my 30s. He loves the idea of a large family too. Has anyone here tried for a baby wit...
Hello! Opinions please. Told myself I wasn’t going to test before Christmas but I caved. Do you see it? Very faint positive or evap line?
Who’s had cervical checks done and how far along are you? Are you dilated or effaced? Station?
Did any conceive there twins via ivf?
I feel like I see a faint line but idk! Everyone says they don’t see it. But I’m 8 days late. My cycles are kinda irregular. This was take immediately after the wait time. This was taken with mid day pee as well. I have been sick Saturday, with heartburn/gallbladder attacks but I don’t have a gallbladder. So idk…
First day of period was Dec. 5th. I tested today because I was experiencing some cramps (felt like mild period cramps). The tests are all positive! This is too early though? Anyone experience this before.
Were you gentle parented, and do you gentle parent?
I am tripping right now my period is 3-4 days late and my boobs are killing me and feel heavy and exhausted and i never get that as a pms symptom but pregnancy test was negative ??
Can't help but question as I've read such bad things about clearblues! Pic was taken about 6mins but could see the line developing
Picture taken at around 6mins but could see the line developing pretty much straight away. Read loads of bad stuff about clearblues so don't want to get my hopes up!
I’m currently going through fertility investigation and I have been asked to do a number of tests e.g HIV, hepatitis. I have been told to get it done on the NHS but my doctor is refusing. Their view is, we can afford to go private, therefore we can pay to have it done privately- when in reality, we are getting in m...
I’ve just had my positive today, a day or 2 before my period. I’m overwhelmed what do I do now? 😅 Obviously I will book an appt with midwife but do I just keep testing until then? I’m very anxious!
Hey, I wondered if anyone could help or give me some advice on similar situations. Back in October I did my first ivf round and I got 12 eggs! 8 were mature and 5 fertilised. (Yay, or so we thought). On day 2 we got a phonecall to say unfortunately my eggs had to be discarded as they never changed from a single cel...
I’ve just took this, in the evening at 4 weeks, does this look really dark for 4 weeks or am I overthinking it has anyone else had this
Has anyone self-funding their IVF journey gone through Access Fertility? Any feedback? Really struggling to find the best financial option for us.
Does this look positive? It came up straight away. I’m just worried that it’s false, anyone else have a test like this from wandfo then go on to be pregnant? I’m 9dpo
I have had one positive test and two negative pregnancy
I’ll retests if people feel like I should. Did a clear blue digital 2 days ago and it was negative and then did the top test yesterday afternoon and this line came up, I thought I could see a faint line and then after 10 mins it went like this then this morning (second test) this line came up within the 5 mins. ...