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I have had one positive test and two negative pregnancy
I’ll retests if people feel like I should. Did a clear blue digital 2 days ago and it was negative and then did the top test yesterday afternoon and this line came up, I thought I could see a faint line and then after 10 mins it went like this then this morning (second test) this line came up within the 5 mins. ...
Pic taken at around 5mins Still worried it's an evap 😭
Pic taken within 5 mins. Is there anyway this is an evap?!
More photos in comments
A kid on the playground was pushing my son. My son came over and told me “a black kid was pushing him.” It felt wrong that my son was using only the kids race to identify him. I wouldn’t like someone to identify me just by my race or approach a problem where I was described by my skin tone first. Am I wrong for thin...
3 important things to say first of all: A) I will be testing again in the morning anyway B) I know I’m an idiot and need to test properly 😂 C) The photo isn’t brilliant but both tests show a faint coloured line. I was very impatient to know either way today and did 2 different tests at different times - neither of…
I am still a day away from period but clear blue were positive and other brands aren’t 😭
Who else have pcos - Polycystic ovary syndrome , cryptic pregnancy ? I need to know and some type of stories cause I’ve that tooo .
Has anyone had a positive like this and not been pregnant? All tests now coming up negative
Hi everyone so my period is 4/5 days late I had brown spotting for about 2 days when should I test??
Me and my husband are in our mid-30s and just starting our family with a babe due in April. I have two siblings, one of which has three babes ranging from 8 years old to 4 years. Both of my husband’s siblings have 2 kids, ranging from 4 years to 1 year old. We’ve both been super involved in our nieces and nephews li...
I think I got just got my first positive 9dpo!!!!
Going by my last period I’m 5+4 today, I took a digital just because and I’m in absolute shock!! I didn’t get a 3+ with my daughter until I was around 8/9 weeks!!! Guessing this is a good sign? 🤞
I have miscarriage the end of Nov and several negative but still feel like I did with my first, so I don't know?
has anyone else found it hard to try to conceive again after their first baby?
Do you last all day with it? Do you ever raise your voice after gentle parenting doesn’t work? Curious..asking for a friend
This was after about 5 mins…. Anyone have a guess at whether this is an evaporation line??
Hi all. Any recommendations for ivf clinics in London? Very new to this so any insights are appreciated x
I wasn’t prepared to see my pregnancy test still showing very positive after my MMC. Baby heartbeat stopped 5+ weeks ago but miscarriage completed not even a week ago. I know it can take a long time for the test to turn negative but seeing the very dark second line hit me and has broken my heart all over again💔 I’m…