Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Ovulation.
My first time using easy at home ovulation strips. After a positive test, how many days after do you keep testing for, if at all?
Can trigger still be in your system 13 days later?
This is my first time doing ovulation tests.. it said I was due to ovulate on Monday and Saturday - Sunday were my peak fertility days. However, after testing this morning, my peak has arrived early and is today and tomorrow, with ovulation happening on Friday. Talk about no notice 😂 is this normal!? I’m going to…
Why are my levels so low? I know it’s still early in my cycle but the numbers seem so much lower than other tests I’ve seen🤔x
Sorry first month using these, i have been testing daily so far but I know I am supposed to start testing twice a day to help me find my peak. When would you start twice a day?
So thought I had almost got to the end of the 2WW and was ready to test but had some cramps this morning and it prompted me to do a ovulation test (it mentally stops me doing a pregnancy test too early if I ovulation test). It was a very clear positive.... did I not ovulate before? Could I be ovulating again? Should...
TTC for 4 months now. This is the first month I decided to try the ovulation test sticks and really go full force. Well the highest they went for me was cd 14 at .58, next day .48 then significantly dropped from there. I read that can be normal and a peak for some women. I also started spotting at the same time so I...
My clearblue fertility monitor says not pregnant but I'm only 1 day late but do have pcos.
Hi guys, does this seem normal- I've inputted some dates as I had a chemical at the start of the month - I'm currently ovulating I think I'll get my peak tomorrow (using easy@home LH strips) does this not seem a bit early to be ovulating since it's not even been a week since I stopped bleeding / having my miscarriage
Due to ovulate tomorrow according to my app and it's my first month of letrozole to make me ovulate so I did a test today and not only did it have two lines for the first time ever it has a darker test line!!! Does this mean I'm actually ovulating now and the medicine works?
My ovulation was a little weird. When would you test
I’ve never done ovulation tests and I’ve never tried for a baby(got pregnant when I wasn’t trying) so don’t know how this works. But I just got off the pill November 1st after using it for a year. Got a period right away. My periods have always been wonky so idk if Flo app is right. Can someone tell me what these te...
Heard a tid bit that if you only have sex leading up to the day of ovulation that you’re more likely to conceive a girl (as female sperm is slower and male sperm is faster but dies quicker) Anyone tested this? I do of course only care if baby is healthy but was curious 👀
Would I be ovulating the now or soon? I’ve not had one with the lines the same colour.
Can u get pregnant 2days before ovulation
Had implantation bleeding on Tuesday, and checked last night (top test) and this morning (bottom test), is this a VVFL or have I got line eyes?
How many days after your period do you normally ovulate? So far my period stoped 9 days ago and I still haven’t had a positive result is that normal? I have been trying for a baby for nearly a year and still no luck Thanks 🤍
Does ovulation happen around the time that it normally would in the first month after a chemical pregnancy? Counting from the first day of miscarriage bleed?
Hi all, I suspect I may have PCOS. I was lucky to conceive quite quickly with my son but second time round has been much slower and I’ve always had very unpredictable periods, night sweats, some excess hair growth etc. Because I conceived my son and it hasn’t been a full year yet of trying I don’t think the NHS wo...
So last night I did a clear blue ovulation test and it was the solid smiley face. We tried last night but because of my shift pattern today we won’t be able to until 9pm… will I be too late to be in with a chance? I’m worrying I’ve missed my chance but we did it last night 😩