Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Pretty sure it’s negative

Hey I don’t want to waste anyone’s time. I am 90% sure this is negative but I swear I keep seeing a little blip in this photo. I’m two days late on my period and I’m usually SUPER regular



What do u think girls Can the pregnancy tests can be false I have very faith positive last week and today form different brand negative and bearly visible line different test order from Amazon


Any positive tests?

Hey everyone!! I am in the two week wait, still another 7 days to go until my period but hoping I’ll be sticking around in this group. Has anyone tested positive and due in March or is it still too early? ☺️☺️☺️


Help!!! 6 days late

I’m 6 days late. I went to take a test just a few minutes ago. And this little like popped up immediately. I don’t know if I’m crazy, but I also took a clear blue. Nothing. Should I test against? Or is it just line eyes. I THINK I SEE IT. LIKE I KNOWWWW IM NOT CRAZY.


Positive pregnancy test?

I took azo yesterday. My urine is that orange color you typically get with azo. Can the azo cause false positives? I can’t remember last time I’ve had my period and I’ve run out of birth control with no time to get more. Is it really positive? I’ve been losing weight consistently though instead of gaining but I stil...


Positive test and then period.

Anybody else? I took 2 x pregnancy tests yesterday and both came back positive. Then today, I seem to have come on my period. It’s heavier and darker than implantation bleeding. Contacted GP who said to wait it out for 24 hours and then test again. Anybody else had a similar situation and all was ok in the end?


9 DPO and negative test

This is so discouraging. Has anybody else tested negative around this time?


I'm so confused

I've had 2 fainted line positive tests yesterday and today the digital test is saying not pregnant 🤦‍♀️ which one could it be? 😅



did anyone’s period not return after pregnancy i used to have the worst and most painful periods but im 6 month pp and had one period since i’ve taken three pregnancy tests which were negative any ideas ?


Chemical pregnancy

I experienced a chemical Pregnancy last month, I bled 5 days after my period was due … I’ve been tracking my cycle to make sure everything is ok time and I ovulated the day I was expected (well one day out) and I was due on my period Sunday but no signs ?? Negative pregnancy test from 12dpo onwards. Has anyone exper...


Positive pregnancy test?

I think I’ve missed my period and I’m unsure why it’s not dark like?


8/9dpo negative 😔

I know it’s early, but with my first I’m sure I was positive by now. Feeling hopeless after ttc for over 12 months and nothing 😢


Negative then positive?

Anyone have any good stories about getting a negative around 9 DPO and then getting a positive a few days later? I would love to keep the hope alive 😝 I had the tiniest tiniest spot of what I thought might be implantation bleeding 2 days ago and am cramping. I’m never a spotter so it was kind of weird for me. I was…


Chances of pregnancy?

Sooo I’m 6 months postpartum. I had a period in February, April, and may. According to clue, I am 8 days late, however given that I’m within the first year of being postpartum that can of course be irregular. I took a couple of pregnancy tests last week, which were negative. My husband and I had sex tonight and then...


Pregnant or not pregnant

Ok so these aren’t my pictures, I have been given permission to post these on behalf of my friend. She swears these are negative but to me they are so clearly positive and we want to know what everyone else thinks.


Does this look like the app is correct?

I am using OPK's for the first time due to PCOS and It looks like the lines are dark but the premom app is saying they're low. Please help.



Looking for advice…. So according to one app I’m 22 days late, another app I’m only 10 days late. Pregnancy tests are negative however I took four ovulation tests today and they’ve all come up with lines… can this pick up early pregnancy?? Am I ovulating????? I’m deffo late on my period, have sore boobs and have go...



Looking for a bit help 4 days late (18dpo)... took a test 2 days ago( digital ) -negative Period using starts right on time sometimes even spotting day before... Symptoms I'm feeling is -sore boobs, cramps lightly, peeing a lot.. Am I out this month...or wait to test again in a few days


Did anybody get a negative even on an early preg test

Did anyone get a negative result on an early result preg test before their period was due but ended up pregnant? I’ve done an easy@home preg test and it’s negative. Im on day 25 and I have a 27 day cycle.


11dpo negative tests am I out?

11dpo, testing since 9dpo, I know it’s early but convinced myself I’m out? A few generic symptoms but nothing standing out. Is there still a chance?


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