Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.
I tested this morning with the little strip test and I swear it looks positive, but I stopped at target to get different test to confirm but they’re both saying negative so I’m confused. 😭😭😭
It’s positive isn’t it? Sorry for daft question, just feel in shock. I have PCOS, it’s been 6months of trying and can’t actually believe it so I’m questioning everything. My period is due Saturday but it seems quite dark to me? Also tried a Freedom pregnancy test this morning which requires 25 HCG (pic in comments...
Does anyone see anything?
I went to the doctors to get my blood test done due to having 2 positives and 5 negatives Iv rang up today and they have said everything is normal and no further action, they didn’t say if I was pregnant or not, so I’m assuming because everything was normal im not?
Line took about 30 mins to appear and its very thin so not sure what to make of this
Need help negative or postive?
So my last period was July 29th. I had sex the 9th and 10th of August. I ovulated on the 13th or the 14th of August. I spotted brown spotting 8 Days later. Then two days later I started what I think is my period. My actual period is not due until the 29th of August. Let me remind you I've been tracking my cycles in ...
It looked more pink than colorless in real life but I know FRER are notorious for indents.. last night I took one and I had the faintest squinter (my husband couldn’t see it) so I was happy when I saw this line this morning but not sure…. I went on to take another few tests a few hours later (after drinking a lot of...
So I just had my period, I took a test because I've been having bad cramping and some other symptoms that I had with my first. Is this positive?
It looked more pink than colorless in real life but I know FRER are notorious for indents.. last night I took one and I had the faintest squinter (my husband couldn’t see it) so I was happy when I saw this this morning but not sure…. I went on to take another test a few hours later (after drinking a lot of water) wh...
Hey ladies so I’m currently 12 dpo today and I took a test this morning that looked negative. I had a small bit of pink bleeding yesterday and some this morning but there is no sign of my period yet , Does this mean I am out ?
I'm 6 days late and negative test 😭😭 I feel so nauseous but no sign of coming on at all. Anyone experienced this??
I had 6 positive pregnancy tests on August 16th. I called my doctor expecting to get in for bloodwork to see my hcg levels. They told me that because pregnancy tests are so accurate now that they don’t need to do bloodwork anymore. They didn’t schedule me to be seen until September 19th. I just feel a little uneasy ...
Hi all, we have been trying for number 2 for about a month and I did a test on Sunday morning yesterday (25.8.24) and I got nothing at first but the it slowly had a very faint line. I haven’t told anyone yet not even my husband as I want to make sure I definitely am. Also why is such a confusing/yet happy/anxious ti...
Would you say Negative or faint line ?
I had my tubes cut & burned the end of December 2022. I’ve had a period every month since. Until this month. Something told me to track when I slept with my husband one day (July 31st, and to track the spotting I had on August 6th.) my period was due August 15th. The 29th I’ll be a week late from the first day of my...
Anyone see the faint lines? I’ve never ever had this before with these tests. Is this an early positive ?
Is it possible to be 13 days late on period testing negative but actually be pregnant ? Or would it shown up as positive by now?
Is this what an evap line looks like? I’ve never taken blue dye tests until this one, I’ve always used the $1 Dollar Tree ones but they sold out of tests so my hubs bought these ones. I’m not over here thinking I’m pregnant and tryna be annyoing, but genuinely asking if this is an evap line or if it’s just what a ne...
Guys can you please tell me if this is positive or negative? I just saw it after 1 hour and not sure !!