Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Line Eyes???

I put my test in the checker app and it came up positive. I thought there might be a vvvfl on the last one, but could use a second opinion. Around 9dpo today.


Positive test

2 days ago I got a positive pregnancy test, but the line is super faint! For some reason my husband isn’t taking it that I’m actually pregnant because as of today my period isn’t due for another 3 days Did anyone get a positive result and end up not pregnant? Idk what do think I’m in a bit of shock myself because w...


Anything or just runny test?

Might just be evap line or faulty strip as the colour has run a bit after developing.


Am I out this cycle?

My period was due yesterday on the 7th but so far I haven’t gotten it. I tested the day before it was suppose to come and it was a BFN with not even a faint line. Is there anyway it could still turn positive? If I haven’t gotten my period by Monday I plan to test..


Positive or evap line?

Do you think this is positive? The line showed up within the 3 mins but Ive been religiously taking tests for the past month because I’ve missed 2 periods and all have been negative, I done one of the strip tests after this one which was negative too. Thanks x


Early positive

When is the earliest you’ve got a positive preg test?! And with what test? I wanna test but I know it’s early


Do I’m pregnant ?

Please help me this test is confusing me


Do I’m pregnant ?

Im confused with this test


Positive test or faulty?

Hi everyone! I’m just looking for some opinions. I took this test late morning using my second urine just on a whim. It was read after 5 minutes. I think I can see a faint line but I’m worried that the test may be faulty due to the control line looking a bit weird. What do you think? Positive, negative, faulty test ...


(30 + 4)Testing positive for preterm labour and freaking out!!

I’ve had a difficult pregnancy and tested positive for preterm labour last night. I don’t really have anything ready or know what I need in my hospital bag. Any advice would be well appreciated or if you’ve been in the same position please share your experience x


Anyone got a positive pregnancy and then kept testing HCG ?

And then kept scrutinizing whether it was slightly lighter .. How sensitive are the HCG tests ? The one this morn is ever so slightly lighter than the one yesterday morn but yesterday morn I did first urine as I woke up and this morn I had a cup of coffee first ( decaf , don’t come for me 😂) Anyone had this ?…



Can anyone help I’m so confused first one is the two lines test and that is positive but clear blue is negative😩 does this mean I’m definitely not pregnant?


Positive or not

I can see a line, can someone else confirm think I’m in shock


Help is this positive?

I can see the line but think I’m in shock!


Is this positive?

Period is not due for two weeks or so. I have been trying to get pregnant for 2 months now.


Pink discharge/positive hcg test

Hello all, I’m 13dpo, got my BFP on 11dpo. Tested again on 12dpo and today on 13dpo and both positive again. Noticed some light pink discharge this afternoon is that normal?


Positive ?

My period is not due till another two weeks but I hate waiting but this is a year old expired test.


4w pp positive

i had a stillbirth at 20w… i started cramping last night (exactly 4w pp) & cried over silly things today so i took a test, i plan to take more in the coming days, but how likely is it that this is leftover? 😅


My baby is only 6.5 months

Surely this is a negative test? Right? This is 3 minutes after I took the test.


Baby number 2

Been trying for baby number 2 and had some faint positive tests as well as some negative at around 10DPO and then on Wednesday started to bleed and have already more or less stopped bleeding. My periods are normally 5 days long so this isn’t normal for me. Has anyone had bleeding before after positive tests? 🙈


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