Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Negative but 14dpo and 2 days late

Since having my daughter 16m ago my period has been pretty regular so I’ve been expecting it. My husband and I use the pull out method but had an oopsie on the day before my peak ovulation. I’m 14dpo and my period is two days late but I’m testing negative. We’re not actively trying and don’t really want more so I’m ...


Pregnancy test

Can you get a false negative if you're supposed to get your period today & didn't? My app says I should wait & test in 2 days from now. past my first day of missed period But I tested today & was negative 😭 Any chance it could be still early & have a false negative?



I was supposed to get my period on Saturday, I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. I’ve been spotting off and on when I wipe, bland pregnancy tests are still negative. I had a miscarriage back in march. Could I still be pregnant?


Hi all, last week I took 2 tests which were both positive 1-2 weeks according to clearblue but now approaching 5 weeks 5 days since my last period and I haven’t started with any symptoms yet so it hasn’t sunk in…

I only did the 2 tests and I haven’t done anymore yet keep seeing online people that do them every week, but I think they are so expensive for what they are and wonder if it is really worth doing them week by week?


Pregnancy Test Results! Help x🤯

Ladies, I need some advice! So I did a normal strip test on a Sunday and you can see the faintest line so I went and brought a digital clear blue test on Sunday and it came back 1-2 weeks I’ve just done a normal clear blue test today and it’s saying negative? I was due on last Tuesday and had the tiniest bit of sp...


Pregnancy test

I need some advice I did two cheap pregnancy test and it’s come back positive but I did a clear blue test that tells u how far u are and it’s come back negative and don’t know what to believe or do could someone give me some advice please?


help pls 😭😭

this is probably stupid but i’ve been starring at this pregnancy test for like 20 minutes already and i feel like my eyes are messing with me now lmao does this look positive or negative to yall 💀 im not mentally ready if it is a positive so im just making excuses. i just can’t tell anymore lol it looks 100%…


Faint line

Currently 3 days overdue for my period and was testing before my period was due and they were all negative, randomly tested last night because I realised I was late and (1) had a faint line. Tested again this morning (2) and the line hasn't changed much. Hoping this is what I think it is after 12 months of ttc. What...


4-5 days til expected period

I took a test this morning and I swear there’s a faint line, took one again in the afternoon and it’s negative. Was the morning one just a fluke? Or maybe I waited too long looking at the result (I was feeding my baby and remembered to look after), but the second one never faded to a line an hour after. The top is t...



I think negative but I see a line it could be dirt but my period is late


2 days before period in the window. Line or evap?

It's up and up and I have heard of false positives so nervouse


When to stop testing everyday

When did you stop feeling like you needed to test every day with your pregnancy post miscarriage? I’m almost out of strips but thinking I’ll buy more. I almost just wanna keep testing until my 8wk appointment.


Confused tests!

I’m soooo confused! So yesterday I took a strip pregnancy test and it was positive, then I took a clear blue test and it was very very faint. I then done a digital test and it said not pregnant. Then today I’ve taken a red dye test and it’s negative… what are peoples thoughts on this?? Picture of my positive test ye...



Kinda freaking out as I’m not ready for another baby I’m only 18. Evaporation line or positive


what does this mean?

it says my test result is out of range. i am supposed to be 6w+6 (7weeks tomorrow) i do have another blood test today but can anyone tell me what this means and what it means if its out of range? i’m so scared


Line eyes please 🧐 9dpo

Line eyes please 🧐 9dpo I think I trust this test because I used it for my first pregnancy (but at 14dpo with a blazing positive) I ran out of pink dye easy@homes and this is all I had and used it for my fmu just now I'm shaking Don't want to try any other tests incase they're not positive now


Period is late

My period is late by 5 days never had that problem I’ve taken so much pregnancy test all negative but store brand test I’ve gotten one positive digital first responses but the line test negative. I have a bunch of pregnancy symptoms this is my 2nd pregnancy.


Faint positive

I really need someone to confirm or deny this line. I swear I see a faint line or am I going crazy. I've been having a few symptoms nausea, vomiting, cramping, fatigue.


How long do pregnancy hormones stay?

I miscarried on the 25th August and had sex with condoms on 28th, is the test getting darker just my hormones being crazy or could I have gotten pregnant?


Positive or indent?

I know these aren't the best tests but it's what I could afford and they were right for my last two pregnancies (more pics in comments)


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