Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Positive digital 6 days early pregnancy test

My period is due on Tuesday (3 days time) and I just got a ‘pregnant’ result on two of the clear blue 6 days early digital tests. Do you think this is correct? I have been reading negative reviews about the accuracy of these tests



Came up in 2 mins tell me you see it??? Indent or???


11 DPO

Does a negative test today probably mean it's just waiting until my period to start the next cycle or could I have just tested too early to see?



I took 2 test this morning, i got a line on the frp test but negative on clearblue?? what does that mean?


Positive or Negative?

Done this test this morning. I seen the line pretty much straight away. Pictures taken in the time frame. There is colour but doesn’t look like it in the photo. I’m so paranoid because I have had a lot of false faint positives but this one has had the most colour. I would be around 3 weeks so I’m unsure what to think.


Is this it 🥹

Does this look positive? 10dpo


Guys 🤣

I’m 9 1/2 months pp, and I’m pretty sure I’m pregnant. I just got my period back two months ago and it’s been consistent so far around the same days… but this month it hasn’t shown. I’m now 3-4 days late and I’ve tested and they’ve been negative until today when I’m sure I see a faint line. We weren’t trying but...


3-4 days late but negative test

Have so many symptoms I don’t normally get with my period! Tests have been negative, had one I could see a faint line on but nothing since. Anyone had a similar experience? Any chance I am actually pregnant and just not testing positive or am I just going to have a savage period this month?


Amazon count your days

I ordered a set of pregnancy test from Amazon and now I’m sitting over here having a panic attack because they only had one test which was a digital and make matters worse. It came back negative but I was told it was too soon to do digital so I had to contact Amazon for a replacement .🫡🥲


What does this mean?

I just got my test results back and this is what it says. Everything I’m looking up says that I’m a high risk pregnancy because of the first result. Can anyone explain this to me because I’m really freaking out! Of course I would wait for my doctor but they take days to get back to me about results that come in and ...


VV faint positive 12DPO

Okay so we went through a lot of losses with our first so I’m very anxious around pregnancy. My period is due tomorrow and I took an easy @ home test which was positive.. then took another.. then decided to use my last FRFR which is also positive. However they’re all really faint! I know it’s probably not as dark as...


positive or negative

My husband said this is negative because the line is too faint


7 dpo negative test.

I tested yesterday at 7dpo. I know I'm not out yet until AF. However, I can't help but feel super emotional. I'm trying to just hold space and trust the process, but it's so hard. We are ttc baby number 2. My first pregnancy with my son I had a vvfl at 9dpo. So I'm hoping to have an early positive test again. Is...


Vv confused

So I’m so confused I’ve had five blue dye tests positive and a clear blue digital positive 1-2 weeks, the day after my digital I took another that said not pregnant and had blood work done which came back negative, I haven’t bled in seven weeks, all of this was about a week ago but I’m still being sick every day boo...



It looks very negative to me. What do you think? I’m 12DPO.


Positive or not?!

Hi all. I have taken a pregnancy test at 3pm this afternoon. I did this because my period app said I'm 1 day late and my periods are usually regular. Is this positive OR I've heard the term "evaporation line" I will test again first thing tomorrow morning but wanting opinions please ❤️


Anyone tested negative on day8

And tested positive after?


34 +2

Just been to midwife’s and they tested my urine and it’s got white cells in it so they’ve took it off to get examined, what does this say on my notes? I can’t make it out haha


Pregnant on pill?

Anyone never had a positive test although they were pregnant because they were on pill?



So I had my embryo transfer last Tuesday. I did a Sainsbury’s test a week later and it came up with a faint line. I am now 10dpt today and the 1st response one has come back negative. My boobs have been so achy and I have really bad cramps. I don’t know what’s going on 😞


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