Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Very much not used to ever having a positive test

Is this bad that test line is darker than control? Maybe a bad test?


9 dpo and totally negative

I thought I saw a hint of a line yesterday but now it’s a stark negative 😭😭


Line Eyes 👀👀👀

Period was a day late, started bleeding the next day. BUT the day i started bleeding i got a faint line on a test! I took a test today for the heck of it, am i crazy or does anyone else see a faint line ??


Early testing.

Has anyone tested what they thought was early with a test within the day limits described on the test it been negative and still been pregnant? My symptoms are exactly the same as my other two pregnancies but I’m still negative at the moment



I’ve put a few posts about this but I’m just looking for clarification, I’m 39 days late on period to be exact, first day I was late I started testing with clear blue dye tests over the course of a couple weeks I had five faint positive tests, the week after that I took a digital and some pink dye tests that were st...


Subclinical hypo with antibodies ? Help!

About 6 years ago I was tested for hypothyroidism due to feeling really fatigued all the time. They found I have subclinical hypothyroidism which means my TSH was high but my T4 was normal. I also tested positive for thyroglobulin antibodies (it was 18) but negative for peroxidase antibodies. I started levothyroxin...


I’m pretty sure my pregnancy test is false.. I missed period and tested but it’s negative..

I did the test like two hours ago.. uk time 5pm! I did hear about doing in the morning .. I did do the cheap ones too hmmm it might be right


Top is yesterday bottom is today

When should I expect my test to get darker my period should’ve been due around Tuesday but I didn’t get a positive until yesterday


Ttc no period pp

So my period hasn't returned since having my 7 month old. So I've been doing opk tests but they're v erratic. Positive on 30th April, 13th may and today. what's going on? Done pregnancy test and all negative



So 3 weeks ago I had a chemical pregnancy, I tested a few days after I stopped bleeding and was 100% negative. Since then me and my partner has unprotected sex last Sunday and something just told me do a test today. I took one this afternoon and this is what happened straight after, is this a vvfl as it feels to ear...


Is this a faint line? Or a faulty test?

Thanks in advance x


positive or evap?

I cant tell of this is positive or just am evap line as its not very dark, thoughts?


Hey mama has any mums tested negative with first response and than a few day’s tested positive?

I am currently 11 months postpartum and still BF my child, I got my period back when I was 6 months postpartum and I had it constantly back every months, this month my period is 6 days late, I have done a test with the first response 4 days ago and it was negative and waiting for a blood test results for Monday to ...


Hi everyone!!! ❤️

I am 7.5 months postpartum with my first little guy, who we had in September and now I got a positive this morning! I was testing with super cheap strips and it was negative after negative but I just had some weird intuition to test with a more expensive test and it was positive. One day before my missed period, whi...


Been ttc for 5 months

Feeling so frustrated as my period which is normally super regular is 3 days late but the tests are negative 😩 just feels like abit of a head f***


Sorry in advance for the personal question!

What’s everyone’s CM like before a positive pregnancy test?? I’ve been pretty dry with a touch of creamy discharge. Hoping for the best here!


Lighter test strip

I’m 8 weeks tomorrow and just did another test for reassurance - my strip is a fair bit lighter than my first one - is this normal?


When to do a digital again?

Hey everyone :) Just after some advise. I got a positive test on Friday morning with a FR standard test and after work I got a CB digital but it came back not pregnant… I’ve done some other cheap tests and they have extremely faint lines (like barely visible) on them so just wondering when I should take another dig...


So confused? What’s happening?

I’m so confused. On Sunday I got the faintest line on a cheap test strip, the next day I got a faint line on a FRER and another cheapy. All negative since… what do you think could be going on? X


Test line getting darker

I just had a blighted ovum. The bleeding started 11 days ago and went on for 7 days. I've been doing pregnancy tests every so often waiting for it to be negative so I can start doing ovulation tests again. The pregnancy test I took today was darker than the last one I took (4 days ago). Is it normal or should I be c...


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