Very much not used to ever having a positive test

Is this bad that test line is darker than control? Maybe a bad test?
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Noooo! That’s a good thing. It’s called a dye stealer when the test line is darker than the control line. Means your HCG levels are high c

Think that’s a dye stealer 💗

Nope it's a good sign your pregnancy is progressing 👍♥️♥️🎉

No that’s so amazing girl!

This is the dream! Enjoy it girl!!

Really!!! I’m in disbelief!!! Thank you all for explaining this to me, I thought it was a faulty test.

Not bad at all

Dye stealer

Nope good test. You got a dye stealer and you are moving right along in pregnancy.

@Heather and this is just facts not every highly positive test is a molar pregnancy look at this post I'm sure the ladies would love to hear what you said to another person when she got her positive

This lady mentioned apparently that if you have a dye stealer its highly likely to be a molar pregnancy and then makes the op feel nervous about getting a positive result which I think is god damn wrong when she just took the test and found out ,some people can be so negative!!

I never said its was likely to be a molar pregnancy at all, but keep lying to make your ego feel better,

What is a molar pregnancy? I never even heard of it and I've seen plenty of dye stealer positive test. Lol

@Becca neither have I lol

@Heather Hun you was the one trying make someone nervous just as the got a positive test you can't just assume that ,it was VERY insensitive and I'm making sure the OP doesn't have to feel that way because you can't just know straight away and it's sad you have say that I'm lying for my ego when I'm actually helping someone understand not to be so nervous,your unreal 😃I literally couldnt gaf about my ego Hun but keep digging yourself a hole I guess ...

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@Becca it's extremely rare and most of the time they find out after the 7/8 weeks mark ,it's when hcg is high but this is a common problem in people with endometriosis and onytomitosis or people with PCOS ,so rare that you might on see it on a ultrasound or with blood work , definitely cannot diagnose with a urine test ...this other woman found out she was pregnant so she thrown a bunch of negative shit, i swear I never say anything usually but when they try and put a new mum down or make the nervous on purpose i have to say something because people are just rude 💕

Molar… ectopic… chemical… they all exist and we always hope that nobody has to go through any of them. Discussing them on someone’s BFP post is not appropriate. A positive result is a celebration and if there any concerns it’s up to a professional to advise at the appropriate time. i don’t want to see anyone tarnish this lady’s post as it’s her time and file about her so if you need to discuss something, head to DMs, not here ladies.

@Yog exactly it should be! It should be celebrated but I cannot tolerate when people think it's okay like come on I don't exactly want to DM this person they are bad news so I'm just making it aware ...I don't want to put this on anyone post but at the same time it relates to the topic ...this post has a women who got a dye stealer and it's very normal we know it is ,I'm just showing this other women that it's normal 90%of the time to get a dye stealer that's all I ment no harm ...just speaking up otherwise no one will

@Holly I understand why you would call it out, 100%. We are all aware of the uncertainties of pregnancy throughout the various stages and we all just have to wait. Being drawn to the negatives is pointless and a terrible attitude to have. I’d rather celebrate my baby every second than live in fear of news I may never have. So let’s get back to this lady having her moment, as she deserves it 🤗

I am 4 years into infertility, no fallopian tubes, 4 IVF rounds, 1 DE IVF round, 1 failed transfer and the hope of this one. I am not oblivious to there are things outside of my control that can go wrong or not the way I would like, I’ve seen then over the course of these past 4 years. She could have literally said congrats and wishing the best. I completely agree with you all, even if the person wasn’t me, I would never want to steal that moment. This is not what the app is for, seeing the other post she is on made me sick and I’m so sorry that anyone would have their moment tainted that way. Thank you to all the ladies that helped me understand this test, my beta is on 05/24 so I will update with the great news because I am speaking it into existence!💐

✊🏼 Thank you for sharing your backstory, it excites me even more that you have this opportunity now and we are all here for you. Please do update us, I believe I speak on behalf of everyone when I say we can’t wait to hear all about it! 🤍

Congratulations I keep everything crossed for you xxx

I completely agree 💕😊and congratulations on your pregnancy ♥️ I know iv already said that but I'm really happy you got your little bean!! 🥰we have been trying to have baby number too ,any baby is a blessing ...I just wanted to make sure that's people feel less worried about these things,as alot of women on this app have gone through alot physically and mentally and other people's negative comments don't help and, yes absolutely update us 😊

@Holly I have a short fuse for them as well. This is somewhere, where women can be vulnerable and to share their feelings when you can't anywhere else. Some just can't accept the fact that someone else is pregnant, or their situation didn't turn out like the persons. Yall everyone is different and every pregnancy is different. You can give advice based on your experience, doesn't mean that someone else is going to go through the exact same thing. SMH 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

@Yog and I was going to say this exact thing. Stop hating and congratulate them. Stay in your own lane and don't make it about you. When it's the other person needing to be celebrated.

And congratulations mama!!!! Your journey is going to be worth the while! I'm excited for you!

@Becca this 🙌

🥹you ladies are truly amazing, you can’t share these moments to often in our real world because thankfully not many of my friends or family have had to go to the same extent to start a family. Here is where we can open up completely and know we are accepted and understood. You all said and represented that so well💐

@Holly I was literally gonna say the same thing! @ incognito, Congrats mama, all luck to you and your journey!

♥️♥️much love🙌

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That’s how mine looked last year I think the strip may have gotten flipped around

I was 3.5 weeks pregnant with our daughter (due in August) and it was just as dark as this one. She’s healthy as can be in there last time I had my check and growing about a week ahead! No need to worry 💕

@Lauren thank you for sharing and congratulations, wishing you a safe and healthy delivery✨✨💐💐

@Holly sending baby dust for baby#2 ✨✨💐💐💐

Thank you 😊 realistically we have trying for 5months now 🙌😭I get so impatient 🤣

@Holly keeping you in my thoughts that this time ends soon, don’t give up or lose hope✨💕

I'm keeping you all in my prayers and praying God's will to be done in our lives. Much love ladies 🥰🥰🥰 baby dust!!!!

They are looking really good that's how mine looked at 8 weeks ♥️♥️

@Holly oh wow thanks for sharing. I was thinking maybe to call up to my doctor and move beta up a day or two. If I should only technically be 4 weeks it may be too soon for it to be this dark and peace of mind from them getting on monitoring everything sooner. Is it possible to move a scheduled beta?

I don't think it's too soon I got a dye stealer 4-5 days before my period which would be 10 or 11dpo and yes definitely can do that ♥️

@Holly that makes me feel better, wish I had more knowledge on this part of things but I’m learning lol

@Holly 🤞🏾🤞🏾another one of these are coming for you soon!!✨✨

Hcg fluctuate sometimes mine did I thought my was getting lighter but it was just the test stealing the dye because my HCG was so high turn out I was 1 week more than I thought which is crazy because that confused me how it works but I can reassure you that it's okay for it to be this dark ♥️

@Holly they also transferred two embryos this time so I’m wondering if maybe I am further along because one was a day 6 blast.

Aw thanks I hope so ♥️🙌

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You could have twins maybe? In some cases HCG is higher because of twins but it can differ between person to person sometimes even people with twins have the same level of HCG with one pregnancy it happens ,I guess the only way to tell is a ultrasound in a couple of weeks ♥️ but I wish you two happy beans 🙌😄

@Holly that would be amazing, time will tell. This whole journey has definitely taught me patience but I have definitely not mastered it yet lol

@Holly my doctor completely shut down doing beta early then scolded me for testing early lol. Honestly my husband and I would be overjoyed for twins, but will take whatever we are blessed with. Just two more sleeps and it will be Friday!!!

Wait what ,your test are fairly dark tho ,a week or two after my postive test they sent me off for an ultrasound and I was 8 weeks so it would mean I was around 6 weeks with those very positive tests ...try another GP surgery ♥️that must of been very frustrating! X

Can you book a private scan? X

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