Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Line or Crazy??

I’m 10dpo and I swear that there is a line starting…. It’s really faint and I wouldn’t consider it positive yet, but that’s the start of a line… yes? But I’ve also had a fair share of tests that look like this and never amounted to a pregnancy so I am trying to be reasonable. Obviously I need to wait and retest but ...



8 DPO and still negative; is there still a chance? With my first pregnancy I had a positive by now so feeling so doubtful


Anyone tested positive/had VVFL test whilst on period?

I have been having all pregnancy symptoms. Came on 4 days early, but my period was not heavy as usual, also always lasting 6 to 7 days with 3 days being really heavy and light after that. This period has been weird this is the reason why I tested. I either had chemical or miscarriage, do not know what to think. Anyo...


Positive or evap line?

Does this look like an evaporation line? I did this test yesterday at about 12pm and checked after about 2-3 minutes and it was negative. Left it to one side and forgot about it, I’ve now come back to it a day later and there’s a second line? It’s a faint line so I’m thinking it’s probably just an evaporation lin...



I’ve done a clear blue digital testa nd it said not pregnant. And I’ve now just opened the test up and this is what the actual test says?! I need advice on what to do 😩



I can’t believe my eyes, am I pregnant? 😂 I’ll hopefully get a stronger line with my first wee of the day tomorrow 🙏🏻


Tw anyone who’s had recently lost a baby 👶🏻 👼

Good morning I would like know the difference between the theses two tests and the third one I done this morning as I got told from someone one this app that you will need to take a first responder test which I’m sure id that will be a number with cross that show two line if your pregnant or one that your not but I’...


Is this my fisrst super faint positive or am I seeing things???

Pease someone tell me if this is a very faint positive.. We have been trying for a year and a half as I have PCOS and we are due our first futility appointment next week but I feel like I can see something, this is the first time I’ve ever seen a mark on a test…!


Test aren’t getting darker now 😫

Tests had been getting darker but seem to have stopped over the last 48hrs. Anyone ever had this and it still worked out ok? 😭 I think I’m extra nervous because I’ve been going through IVF for a year and this was my 3rd transfer and 1st positive.


Pregnancy test

So me and my partner have had unprotected sec for a while intending to try for another baby, our first is 8 months old. But every month I still get my period and pregnancy tests say negative. Well this past week I was suppose to have my period and never got it and am late. The only other time I was late was when I g...


Pregnancy test

So this morning I done a pregnancy test it came up as a positive, this evening I’ve done 3 more and they are all negative anyone else had this? What could it possibly mean? I’m very confused…



These are my tests.. my partner still says ‘if’ I’m pregnant and doesn’t seem to have accepted I am? It’s making me worry that I’m not actually pregnant. I didn’t find out until I was 7/8 weeks with my first baby, and when we found out it was obvious because I’d had loads of symptoms. This time, it’s earlier on and...


Tested postive strep b

So I'm 37 weeks and some days pregnat and I got my test results back for step b and they are postive I have been driving myself crazy looking on Google.. I need to know from other moms tho are u suffering from the same thing and how likely is it ill pass it to my baby even with antibiotic.


negative at 13dpo?

can I still get negative test at 13 dpo and be pregnant or am I out? period due in 5 days.


Would you say this is positive?

I’m 23 with a 3 year old and a one year old and I was feeling a little off so took a test and now I’m unsure, it’s not as bright. I don’t know if I should feel excited or not yet but a little overwhelmed!!!


Vvfl but positive digital?

Hi everyone, I’m around 14DPO however I have very long 35-40day cycles. I’ve taken some FRER tests that seem to show a really light line (the darker ones actually from yday!) so decided to take a clear blue digital instead and I got “pregnant” (yay) So I’m obviously pregnant. My only worry is the lines not getting ...


Am I pregnant?

This is going to sound so silly I took a test and it had a negative sign straight away but i have left it for a while ( 30 mins ) and now it’s showing this.


Evap line ?

I’m meant to start my period today but no sign took pregnancy test and this appeared after 5/6 mins? Is it an evap line? Or is it positive? I don’t know 😭



I have had a few symptoms, slight cramps, irritability, and fatigue. Normally I start my period around this time too. I’m so impatient 😂 I tested this morning and it was negative still, how much longer should I wait? Am I just getting my hopes up or could this actually be the one 😂


I got a positive pregnancy test 7 days before period.

Is this normal to find out 7 days before period due? I am due today now and I am definitely pregnant. This is today’s test but it was strong 8dpo. Scared it’s twins due to high hcg?


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