Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Does anyone think this is a positive faint line?

Took this early detection test today using clear blue. I swear I see a faint line!


Is this positive?

My partner and I are currently trying for baby no.2🥰 we’re so so excited. So I took a pregnancy test this morning and I’m sure there is a second line and so does my partner however, I wanted to see if anyone else could see it as it’s VERY faint if it there is one. I’m not sure if it’s our eyes playing tricks on…


Third pregnancy after two losses last year

I’m so cautiously hopeful. We had two MMC last year and I had a procedure done that will hopefully fix what was causing them. What a rollercoaster of emotions this pregnancy is bringing on 😅😓 got my first faint positive test last Friday. Had some brown spotting Sunday with all the feels, then a crazy symptom rush…


You guys I’m going crazy

This is negative right? That tinyyyyyy shadow I *see* is all just in my head right?


Line appear after 12 hours

I took an early pregnancy test this morning. I am 12 dpo. I had a look at the result straight away, it appeared negative. Admittedly, I didn’t look at it for long and put it straight in the bin. I have just gone to empty my bathroom bin (12 hours after test) and the test had a blue line, pretty faint though. Should ...


Lupus anticoagulant test (LAC)

Have you been tested for the Lupus Anticoagulant after having had miscarriages? Did you have to be 12 weeks not pregnant to do the test? My doctor said I have to wait 3 months after having the miscarriage to get tested but I haven't found any proof of that in different medical websites. Also can you be positive afte...


Vv confused

Had a chemical a couple weeks ago, still haven’t bled, blood work done about four days ago no hcg in bloods, can u see a line? Also been testing since chemical and not the faintest line so I don’t think it’s left over hcg from the chemical


Pregnancy? 🤷🏻‍♀️

I’m about 11 days late for my period and that’s not normal for me. My period is usually early or right on time. I’ve taken multiple pregnancy tests, the closest one being may 21st (10days late) all of them are negative. I’ve been having cramps and the same pains I felt when I went to the urgent care and found out I ...


11 dpo

If you’re negative at 11 dpo you’re probably out right?


Evap or positive

They seem off centre and not full lines so I’m unsure on whether they are positive or just evap lines.


Todays test lighter than 2 days ago

Please can anyone give me some positive words/thoughts or success stories! Top test is 2 days ago with afternoon wee, bottom test is this morning with FMU. Based on LMP I should be 5 weeks 1 day. I know tests aren’t “designed” to get darker, and once you’ve got a positive you should accept that and not test, but we ...


Faint positive test but bleeding and cramps?

Hi, Been trying for a baby the last 4 months, Kept getting faintest lines, then got a stronger faint positive yesterday. This morning I have got cramps and some bleeding 😞 more so when I go to the toliet. I'm really anxious. What do you do? Do you wait and see, contact the doctor?


This was my 11dpo tests line for positive twin pregnancy

I am now 6 months pregnant with twins , more photos in the comments useful to compare lines because mine were vvfl for a while before I got a dye stealer. I'm posting for those who like me have very long cycles ! My average cycle was around 38 days. Interesting though because my weeks pregnant were not delayed an...



I gave birth in November last year and got my first period half way through December then again in January, I had my last period April the 11th is this something to be concerned about? Has it happened to anyone else? I taken pregnancy test and all come back negative Tia x


Pregnancy tips

Me and my husband have been trying to get pregnant again, my last period was a week before Easter 03/24 and I haven’t gotten my period ever since , but I have tooken a test every week and they keep coming out negative, anyone else having trouble? Or something that helps


Negative on DPO 15

I'm pretty sure this is negative. My period still hasn't come though. Do I just need to wait this out for AF?


What do we think?

This is the closest I’ve ever got to a positive test and I’ve been TTC for the last 18 months. Thoughts? Thank you!


GBS positive first trimester

Although usually tested for in late pregnancy, I was tested for GBS (Group B Strep) in my 8 weeks appointment. It came back positive in my system so I’m being prescribed antibiotics. Anyone else deal with this so early?



Would have thought I'd have more of a clear line by now if positive? 😓


Line or Crazy??

I’m 10dpo and I swear that there is a line starting…. It’s really faint and I wouldn’t consider it positive yet, but that’s the start of a line… yes? But I’ve also had a fair share of tests that look like this and never amounted to a pregnancy so I am trying to be reasonable. Obviously I need to wait and retest but ...


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