GBS positive first trimester

Although usually tested for in late pregnancy, I was tested for GBS (Group B Strep) in my 8 weeks appointment. It came back positive in my system so I’m being prescribed antibiotics. Anyone else deal with this so early?
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That’s so strange they’d prescribe antibiotics so early in your pregnancy I never been tested before the 3rd trimester and usually I’d get an IV antibiotic during delivery

I tested and got a positive got Step C with my last one but didn't test until like my last two weeks.

don’t take it! so unnecessary, this bacteria fluctuates and is normal

I wasn’t tested for GBS until I was like 37 weeks. You shouldn’t need antibiotics until you’re in labor, I’ve never heard of them testing this early before..

Are you sure that’s what they tested and are prescribing for? They usually test for STIs and UTIs at 8 weeks. There is absolutely no reason to be tested or prescribed antibiotics for GBS any time before 35 weeks. Your body can naturally clear GBS, and can also get it again. So you’d risk having to take the antibiotics twice which isn’t great for your body.

Even I am tested positive, I am 10 weeks. My OBGYC said I don’t need any antibiotics now. They will give me in labour so that it won’t be transmitted to baby

@Jayden this is what my OB told me as well when I was pregnant with my daughter. I didn’t test positive, but this was the plan they laid out if I were.

Yes I was prescribed antibiotics early. Was retested at the end of pregnancy and was negative! But if u do end up being positive later on they said it was no big deal and they would give antibiotics I believe when giving birth

Thanks for the responses. Yes I’m positive I was tested for GBS at 8 weeks, they tested for it along with my STD/STIs from my swab. I hadn’t had a physical in a while so I’m sure they just did everything that first time. As I mentioned, I know you are “typically” only tested closer to delivery. I spoke with my OBGYN and the reasoning was that because it was found, they wanted to treat anyway. @Sarah thanks for letting me know your story! Was exactly what I was hoping to hear.

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