Lupus anticoagulant test (LAC)

Have you been tested for the Lupus Anticoagulant after having had miscarriages? Did you have to be 12 weeks not pregnant to do the test? My doctor said I have to wait 3 months after having the miscarriage to get tested but I haven't found any proof of that in different medical websites. Also can you be positive after having had a healthy pregnancy? Thanks for your feedback :)
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I did the test after 10y not being able to conceive.

I'm sorry Thanh for your experience, thanks for sharing. I hope you had some good news 😊

I got pregnant but unfortunately I lost my baby at 12w.

I'm really sorry for that. I know it's very hard! Did you have to wait 12 weeks after the miscarriage to do the lupus Anticoagulant test?

I did the test before getting pregnant

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