Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Negative at 12DPO

Has anyone had any success stories after really solid negatives as 12DPO or is it completely wishful thinking?


Urine test results

These are the results from my urine test. Nobody has said anything about them. Do you think I should be concerned?


HCG faint line?

Is it normal to have quite a faint line on a HCG test at 4+5?



My daughter is just over 13 months old and I've just found out I'm 6 weeks pregnant (not planned) and was both very shocked to see the positive test. Obviously no one is aware yet, and I'm feeling a lot calmer than I was the other day. Anyone had any experience with this kind of age gap? Looking for reassurance 😂…


Is it normal to be so faint still at six weeks?

I’ve gotten positives with early detection tests both line and digital but when I take regular tests they’re so faint and I feel like my last pregnancy my lines were so much darker I don’t know if it’s normal for it to be so light and today marks me six weeks


Is it normal for pregnancy test to still be a faint line at estimated six weeks?

I’ve gotten positives with early detection tests both line and digital but when I take regular tests they’re so faint and I feel like my last pregnancy my lines were so much darker I don’t know if it’s normal for it to be so light and today marks me six weeks


Is this positive?

Ive took a 6 day early test, faint line which is clearer in person.. Am i pregnant? 😬


Is this positive? Its clearer in person.

6 day early test and faint positive line. Am i pregnant?


Positive or evap line?

I’m not due to start my period for another 7 days so I have tested really early. At first the tests were all seemingly negative, however 4 out of the 6 tests I’ve done all went positive after.. One of them got a second line about 20 minutes after testing but they say to discard after 5-10 minutes. Another went pos...



I’m 8DPO and I feel like I have all the symptoms but I’ve tested this morning and it’s negative. Has anyone else tested this early and gotten a negative but then a positive? I’m going out my mind!!!


Is it positive?

I don't want to get my hopes up, my eyes aren't very good. Is there a line? My heart is beating out of my chest...


Faint line - scared!

Had a very faint positive this morning which is 3 days after my missed period. Shouldn’t it be darker at this point?? Back story - had my son nearly 3 years ago, conceived straight away, KNEW I was pregnant I just felt so different, positive test day before missed period - no complications. Ttc round 2 - trying fo...


Boots pregnancy test strips

Hi, I’ve tested myself twice with the boots pregnancy strips and both the times, I’ve got an invalid result. Any idea why the results might be invalid and what I’m doing wrong!? I’m just a day late but we did ttc last month and I was excited to check if it’s worked. I know I’m having my hopes wayyy up high but any s...


Help please 😅

Took one test earlier and the lines shown up right away but they aren’t fully there, is that a test run or a false positive? I’m so confused 😅. Took another test and a hour later and it’s negative. I’ve got some symptoms but then I do have a toddler so the tiredness is most likely from that haha. I’m currently on…



Have been testing positive since 9dpo. Does this look ok?


Evap or positive ?

Hey guys, just need some reassurance that this is a evap line. It took about 10 minutes for it to appear as I went for a quick shower and forgot to look at the test.


I took it again this morning , early detection clearblue!

It’s still possible to get a faint line on early detection if I’m estimated around 5 weeks pregnant ?


Pregnant or not?! Pls urgent

I took this test last night, waited a minute to see the results and it came up as negative so i didn’t think much of it This morning it was still kept in the bathroom and looked like this?! Does this mean I’m pregnant or urine dried up because it’s been hours since the test has been kept there?


this a faint positive? Early detection clear blue!

Do you guys see it too?🥺🥺


Pregnant again

My baby girl is 6.5 months old and yesterday I was 3.5 days late so out of curiosity I took a test and It came back positive. I honestly don’t know how to feel about it. I never imagined being a mom with 2 under 2 . Any Advice?


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