Positive or evap line?

I’m not due to start my period for another 7 days so I have tested really early. At first the tests were all seemingly negative, however 4 out of the 6 tests I’ve done all went positive after.. One of them got a second line about 20 minutes after testing but they say to discard after 5-10 minutes. Another went positive after about 4 mins, another was an hour etc. How likely is it that it’s an evap line? Over the many years I’ve done pregnancy tests I think I’ve had maybe one evaporation line so I’m really confused. I thought that maybe because I’m testing so early it’s taking longer for the HCG to react on the test? Can anyone advise please? Is it more likely to be multiple evap lines or positive pregnancy test? Thanks!
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@Haley do you think so? Even if the positives came after the timeframe it says to read within? X

I’d say they look positive but if they came up after the timeframe do a test in a couple of days or wait until your period is due and do one then so the line should come up within the timeframe of it is positive☺️ good luck I hope you get your positive!!🥰x

Tests look old and dry so more likely to be evap

I used this test, and it took longer than the time frame to go positive. I’m currently 15 weeks pregnant x

Any result after the time frame the tests give, do not take as fact. ONLY read it during the time window. If it doesn’t say positive within that window, then you’re either not pregnant yet or it is too early for it to pick up on the pregnancy hormone. :)

@Rheo which one? The small strip or the top two tests? How much longer did it take for you?x

@Lucy the middle one is a few days old and the other two were taken yesterday. The second lines appeared sooner though, one appeared after 20 minutes, another was after about 40 mins and the other was after an hour🙂 they’re all older in the picture though if that makes sense? I’m very confused! X

Sorry the top 2, it took about 5-7 days for it to show in the time frame x

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