Faint positive test but bleeding and cramps?

Hi, Been trying for a baby the last 4 months, Kept getting faintest lines, then got a stronger faint positive yesterday. This morning I have got cramps and some bleeding 😞 more so when I go to the toliet. I'm really anxious. What do you do? Do you wait and see, contact the doctor?
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Ah I'm so sorry lovely :( in my experience the Dr didn't do anything for me, just told me to wait till the bleeding had finished and then take a pregnancy test to confirm it's negative. Worth speaking to your Dr in case they have a different protocol, they may send you to the early pregnancy unit but with very early losses they can just leave you to it sometimes Sending love and strength to you

I would ring your local midwife team and explain the situation and ask to be scanned! Fingers crossed for you 🤞🏻🥰

I called my dr when my tests got lighter and started bleeding, she told me to go up to go to a&e and she would tell them to expect me and they done bloods. It was lucky I had other bloods few days before this also do they compared my HCG levels , you could ask them to do that? X

This happened to me literally last week, call your doctor to be safe. If you’re less than 6 weeks they don’t really doing anything. Fingers crossed to you x

Thank you all for your messages! I really appreciate it 🙏 x

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