Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

9 dpo today

I’ve seen faint positives on a bunch of tests but they are pretty faint !


Faint positive 10DPO - how should I feel about it?

Got a faint positive this morning after a missed miscarriage (blighted ovum) and MVA in March. I’ve been feeling all the early pregnancy symptoms so I was expecting/hoping the test is positive. I immediately told my husband who had a muted reaction and has said he doesn’t want to get too excited about it after last ...


Would a test show positive 8dpo?

I stupidly took a test this AM at 8dpo. Nothing 😭 I feel really upset. Would it show 8dpo? Does this mean I’m not pregnant?


Positive or Negative?

I have a 22 month old and I took these tests in the last 3 days and I feel like I see a faint line, am I seeing right or is it negative. The line hasn’t gotten darker.


Positive or indent?

My app says I’m 6 dpo but I’m certain I’m 7dpo. BD only once 6 days ago. Test was definitely negative yesterday afternoon. This line came up over a 5 minute period. Thoughts?


False positive

Has anyone experienced a false positive while breastfeeding? I’ve been late for 2-3 days but end up getting my period. This time I was late 1 day and took a test and it was positive. Any experiences? I currently have a 9 month old and a 4 year old.


Very faint positive!?

Can anyone see a faint line!? I’m about 7/8 dpo


Is FMU really that important?

My period is two days late. I couldn’t take a test this morning as I didn’t have any so bought some on my way home. I took a blue dye clear blue which looked ever so slightly positive so then went to get a digital & pink dye which both stated negative. I have drank 2L of water today & had a millions wees. Is it wo...



Has anyone ever had a false positive clear blue digital? My blood says not pregnant but…


Negative but..

I’m five days late every things negative even the first response test


Period is late by a few days..

What do you all think? Definitely negative??


Low PAPP-A and Downs

I just got the results of having low paap-a at 0.13 and a 1 in 43 chance of baby having Downs syndrome. I've opted to have another blood test but this has made me panic. Did anyone else have this and all was ok?



Hello everyone, it hasn't been confirmed i'm Having twins but just curious with people who found out really early you was pregnant did your pregnancy test show really strong I tested at 3+3 days and My test line was very bold and showed within 4-5 seconds? ( I have done 4 test with different brands and all showed t...


My period is due tomorrow…

I just did a pregnancy test and (as always) convinced myself I was going to see two lines. Nada. I hate the waiting to see a positive test part of getting pregnant. It’s torturous. Anyone else?


2 days late

Period is 2 days late but tests only show what is maybe a vvvfl or negative .. have I just stressed it away? I just want to know one way or another it’s so infuriating waiting


Test line

👋🏼👋🏼 I’m 5 weeks pregnant and feeling very anxious so have been doing one of the cheaper strip tests every couple of days to reassure myself. The test line doesn’t seem to have gotten any darker for the last few days. Is that ok? Should I be concerned?


Faint positive or am i crazy?

My period isnt supposed to start till thursday but ive been seeing faint positive for about a few days now.



Did anyone not get a positive test at 3 days missed period but end up getting a positive later on?


Extreme miscalculation in conception comes with lots of confusion

Hey ladies. I wondered if anyone was/ is in the same situation… until yesterday we thought o was pregnant in week 20/21, I was at the scan and now the measurements of the scan showed us, that I’m apparently only in week 15. Hard to digest and believe for me, as I had an implantation bleeding, that I was very sure of...


When is my due date?

My appointment isn’t until next month but my last period started April 4th. Lasted 5 days. I took a pregnancy test on 9th of this month said it was negative but retested Saturday and it’s positive. I already did a test at the doctors too & it’s positive.


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