Extreme miscalculation in conception comes with lots of confusion

Hey ladies. I wondered if anyone was/ is in the same situation… until yesterday we thought o was pregnant in week 20/21, I was at the scan and now the measurements of the scan showed us, that I’m apparently only in week 15. Hard to digest and believe for me, as I had an implantation bleeding, that I was very sure of, was not my period - it looked and felt completely different! Scan lady said it’s 99% a big miscalculation, as everything is growing in relation same size, everything seems healthy and no weird signs for other things either. Now my midwife said it might be a very small growing human and we shouldn’t be surprised if it comes earlier, than what we think. I’m Just completly puzzled. I didn’t have my period anymore - how is this possible? Can anyone help or put my mind at ease? Only thing that would fit with the new speculation is that I had my first positive pregnancy test on 5th of march.. which felt very late. And that nausea and tiredness started as well a bit later than expected. Last period: 19. December Conception: 9. Jan Implantation bleeding: 20-23 Jan. Scan measured week: 15 (due 1. Nov)I Expected week: 20/21 (due 25th Sep)
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So this may sound very strange but I had a friend who had a similar situation a couple years ago and what actually happened was what she thought was implantation bleeding was a miscarriage from the previous month and then got pregnant again on her very next ovulation which was just a couple weeks later so where she should have been 6 weeks further ahead than she actually was most women will experience a miscarriage at some point in their life and they'll never know because they bleed similarly to a period the only reason my friend knew is because she knew she was pregnant because they have been trying that maybe what happened to you I don't know I can't say for sure that's just what my friend experienced

@Teela thank you for sharing ! But wouldn’t there be a regular bleeding in between? That’s what I read online. I only had an implantation bleeding and it seemed veeery different from what my period would be/ look like.

My friend did not have a normal period between miscarriage and ovulation the second time where she got pregnant again they're not exactly sure how it worked out like that but she's got a healthy baby girl who's almost 6 now

If you did actually conceive on the 9th then your implantation wouldn’t be that late. That’s waaayyy later so it couldn’t have been. It would have been a period or you maybe conceived like a couple days before that so if anything maybe like the 15 but it was probably just a very light and short period so not implantation and the scan is most likely right especially if everything was measuring around the same time.

@Teela yeah that’s how it was for my friend. She didn’t bleed after either. You just bleed like a period then you’d ovulate again. So there was only one bleed

@Gabrielle I found online implantation bleeding is 10-14 days after conception which would be exactly in that time frame Never had a light period, light color, no pain and spotting before in 20 years bleeding - seemed very unusual

I’ve never see. Implantation taking that long I feel like it’s usually within a week. Why did you take so long to test? Or did you test and it was negative multiple times until later. I would still assume it’s either period or like the other person said maybe a chemical or something because having the positive test in March would make it definitely later

@Gabrielle I had 3 tests…. Sorry can’t remember the exact timeframes anymore but first one was directly after I had ‘no period’, I think 1st of Feb maybe, second waaay later (21st of Feb to be sure,) which had a veeery slight second line and 3rd was very obvious on the 5th of march

@Teela how did your friend figure out in the end? I mean did she realize straight away that it was a miscarriage? Tbh I think your theory is very likely, is exactly these 5-6 weeks time frame, and would explain why I was very euphoric the first few weeks, than suddenly extremely sad and since then I haven’t been back to normal again really… thanks for sharing your perspective

Gotcha well. I would go by scan and say you’re 15 weeks. But when you get your to be 30plus weeks in the original due date then I would just make sure everything is ready early. Packing of bags and baby’s room and clothes and all that just incase the scans were wrong. I also in a couple months when you might get another ultrasound get another scan to see how big baby is measuring. Did you have an ultra sound around 8 ish weeks or was this your first ultrasound so the first time they could guess how far along you were? Either way be ready around that 35//36 week mark on the original timeline but we prepared to actually be on the scan timeline

They had been trying to conceive so she had tested with early detection and found out she was pregnant and then she had what she thought was implantation bleeding but she was paranoid and she tested again and found out she wasn't pregnant but the when her cycle didn't come again a few weeks later she tested again and got a positive test and when she was far enough along and went to her OB and everything they figured what had happened is that she had gotten pregnant miscarried right around the time inplantation should have happened like implantation didn't happen properly so she miscarried and then ovulated again and got pregnant immediately thereafter

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