Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Are my lines dark too fast?

I had a frozen ivf transfer on Tuesday the 9th of April. I tested positive only 4 days after the transfer, ( transfer day being day 0) my lines have been getting darker which is obviously great news. The thing is, I haven’t even missed my period yet for another two days and the lines already so dark. Is this normal?...


Why does this happen? 😞

False positives? Chemical pregnancy? Faulty tests? My mind right now is incomprehensible!! I’m 2 days late for my period. Feel bloated and nauseous. The earlier tests were from Monday - Wednesday this week. Then I started testing negative? No idea what is going on!


False Negative??

I'm 3 days late, taken a test last night and this morning. But both negative. Has anybody found these tests not to be reliable? Going to go out and buy some more, but will have to wait until tomorrow to test now. I read reviews after saying a lot of people got false positives🙈


Am I out or still have hope?

First FET I’m 9dpt and 15dpo and I tested last night and this morning and they were both negative not even a faint line. Is it still too early or is this cycle unsuccessful?


Pregnancy test

Hello! I took this test this afternoon that is clearly positive however the 4 I took after were all negative. Has anyone had this and actually been pregnant?


Missed Period?

Soooo, day two of a late period. Pregnancy test, Negative. 4 month pp? My cycles have been normal after birth except for this one. Unprotected sex 2 weeks ago. Confused and Frustrateddddd. Should I wait a few more days?


I know it’s negative but

I know this is a negative test but I’m always holding out hope. No change since my miscarriage in December really. Going back on Clomid in June hopefully after some weight loss and my husband is all done with his masters.


19 week old and pregnant again

Had the depo injection booked for this afternoon, took a test just in case and it’s very positive 🫣 don’t even know the purpose of this post, I’m over the moon after struggling to conceive before my daughter but jheeze am I scared


11 weeks postpartum positive pregnancy test.

So I just gave birth to twins in February via c-section. My milk production slowed down the last couple weeks and I felt more moody again and tired and I humored myself and took a digital pregnancy test. It came back positive. Is this normal? Would I have hcg stil 11 PP… I’m freaking out not going to lie. Has anyone...


Does anyone see anything?

I’m super new to this so I’m sorry if I sound dumb or anything 😅 I had watery clear discharge from Apr 7-11… I just took a test and there looks to be a light pink splotch, I’m not sure if my phone captured it but it’s otherwise looking like a standard negative test. Not sure if the splotch could mean anything or…


Positive or no?

Hey babes I am just asking for a friend… she is known for missed miscarriages. I want her to be pregnant but please tell me I’m not fking crazy!!


I need help

I missed my period this month and I took a clear blue digital test. The digital test said negative, but I opened it because I know if it's too faint it won't pick it up. I opened it up immediately after I saw the "not pregnant" and there was a clear second line. I went to take a blood test and it said I had no hcg s...


Trigger warning

Hi everyone, I tested positive on 13th April and got a “1-2 weeks on clear blue” which would have been correct. I’ve just tested again today (18th) and got “not pregnant”. I’m not sure what to do now- false positive the first time/ miscarriage? No sign of bleeding and no period. Can I wait until the morning to call...


Pregnancy test after FET

Hi all, I am going a bit crazy at the moment as I am on 4dp5dt and my pregnancy tests are negative- I know it’s too soon but my first two transfers were testing positive by now although they ended in miscarriage. I also had some symptoms by now. Has anyone tested throughout the 2 week wait? What day did you start se...


Positive pregnancy test

I noticed my period was late this month but my period was also 3 days late last month even though my period is always consistent to my calendar but I still got my period last month and last month is when I was actually considering I could be pregnant well I took a pregnancy test and it was negative and that same day...


Positive pregnancy test

Arghhh just taken a test and it’s positive. I’m delighted however terrified now with the thought of being pregnant and having a toddler. My LG will be just 2 on due date if I’ve worked it out correctly. Looking for some tips, success stories, throw them all my way. Can’t believe this at all!!


Is this a positive?

3/4 mins into test… 😳


2 days late but negative

This is just torture 🙈 We've been trying all this year, I say trying not tracking etc but not preventing either and I can sorta tell my good days This month I was due on two days ago that been the 31st cycle day, now on cycle day 33 and negative test this morning still I've had cramping on and off like AF is on…


Lines are not getting darker

Due previous losses, I just keep testing, can’t control myself. Looks like my tests are not getting any darker.. does anyone experienced this? I can’t go for a scan as I’m only 4 + 3 so it’s still too early..


Is this a positive pregnancy test?

Im 5 months PP and have used protection but felt nauseous so took a test. Is this positive?


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