Feeding issues **TW ventilator etc**

Anyone’s baby experience feeding problems after leaving nicu? Baba was born on the 14th June (pics under post of when they first let us see her) vía a category 1 section after 80 hours total labouring (72 hours slow labour at 4cm 8 hours active but still never went past 5cm) she ended up having 45 mins of cpr 7 adrenaline shots and many other medications in the hour n a half it took to stabilise her enough to be moved to icu bearing in mind if the hospital hadn’t left me for 6 hours with a severely abnormal trace this could have been avoided (she ended up with Sever mecconium aspiration syndrome grade 1,2&3 hypoxic neonatal encephalopathy and a grade 1 germinal layer haemorrhage on both sides of brain) she was on a ventilator for 7 days before being moved to CPAP then eventually moved to high flow then low flow oxygen so she never had a bottle for 13 days as they gave her tpn then moved her to O/G and N/G tubes until 2 days before we left the hospital even when she started to take the bottle if she didn’t finish the full 3oz within 20min they put it down a tube (she was still on over 15 diff medications inc morphine midazolam and keppra etc) it got to the stage where they wouldn’t even offer her a bottle they would just try n put it dwn the tube then 2 days before we left they kept the tube out as it was the 5th tube shed pulled out in 4 days then cuz she was able to take most of the 3oz bottles in the 2 days they sent her home which was great after over 3 weeks of me staying in the hospital w her but after the first few days of her being home she was squealing in pain inconsolable even when lifted/bathed/winded etc then she started to refuse bottles and dropped nearly 2 centiles in a week so they changed her milk to a high calorie milk and put her on lamezaprol and carabol after me having to fight w my HV and show her video proof because “she hasn’t seen it and she was settled while she was there so I must be over exaggerating” the new milk worked for a couple of days but now she’s refusing bottles again and I’ve tried everything I can think of any ideas/tips
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