Early loss?

Update: it was our first loss, thank you if you commented yesterday💔 After tracking using premom ovulation & hcg since late last year, we got our positive test Monday (8th April), using premom strips & then did a clear blue which said 1-2 weeks. Today (13th April) I’ve used another premom test to reassure myself & there was no line, so I did another and still no line. Used another digital clear blue & got “not pregnant”, and I’m just so confused, has this ever happened to anyone else with these? I’ve been searching non-stop but can’t find anything about this happening with digital clear blue tests specifically. Going off my last period I’d be 3 weeks 3 days today so I know that’s so so early and my levels might just be too low to detect, but the fact I got “1-2 weeks” on Monday and now “not pregnant” 5 days later has me feeling like somethings not right, and can’t get it off my mind. I’ve not had any bleeding or symptoms & have a 13 month old, who we fell pregnant with pretty much instantly, so feel like I have no idea what I’m doing and am just an anxious mess!
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Mostly likely It’s a chemical I just had an early lost on April 6. I went to the urgent care for pregnant woman. The test was positive with my hgc levels were really really low and then I went to the hospital the next day and they told me it was no trace of pregnancy in my blood meaning I lost my child.

But just go to a urgent care or a hospital so they can better explain it to you

Most likely a chemical pregnancy sorry 😞 xx

I had this last month. 11DPO I got a positive on clear blue (it wasn’t a weeks indicator one) and then two days later my premom strips were really faint and I was now testing as not pregnant on clear blue and I was spotting. It was my first pregnancy and first month of trying so I was devastated. Fingers crossed it’s just an anomaly on the test, hope you’re doing ok 🤍 xx

@Deja I’m sorry to hear that you’ve had to go through that 😔💔

@Kayleigh that’s what I was afraid of💔 thank you xx

Yeah so so so sorry your having to go through this. Loosing a baby at any stage is heartbreaking. Especially when there so so wanted. ❤️

@Jen I’m so sorry😔 I haven’t found anything like this anywhere when I’ve been searching for info, so thank you so much for sharing, I hope you’re doing as okay as can be🤍xx

@Kayleigh woke up this morning and it’s definitely a loss💔 so hard because I feel almost silly for being so upset because it’s so early, thank you so much for responding🤍

Honestly do no feel silly it is still a loss at the end of the day. And also the loss of that future you saw and envisioned with them. Your feelings are so valid. Don't feel silly if you wanna message me my inbox is open xx

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