Do you see a positive result?

5 days late and no sign of my period (18dpo)
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That second test is very positive

@Jenna that's what I thought 🙌

The lines from the 21st do look darker x

Thank you ... When do you think I should do a digital? X

If you're already late, you can do a digital now x

Some digitalis can detect before a missed period so you would definitely get an accurate result now x

@Sarah oh that's good to know. Just a bit nervous as I had a chemical pregnancy last month. I just feel like I should hold out a bit longer to see a digital x

Thanks ladies x

Good luck!

Oh that’s surprising considering the line in the other test. Fingers crossed for you 🤞🏻🤞🏻

@Jenna I know ... It's so stressful trying to see those words that we all want. I guess I'm not out yet as no sign of period , time will tell x

Any Update? Did u get pregnant?

Update ladies.... I'm 15 weeks 4 days and having a baby girl 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

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