Implantation bleeding but then negative test

Hey last month I experienced what I thought was implantation bleeding 10 & 11 dpo. Got a negative test day 13 and then started my period day 14. Is this normal?? I have some spotting now again 10&11 dpo, trying to stay hopefully. I had an ectopic pregnancy last year and me and my partner are ready to try again. We’re on month 3 of ttc
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Implantation is actually not as common as is made out on here. Mid cycle bleeding is more common and can be due to the change in hormones. Sounds like you had pre period spotting which can sometimes indicate short luteal phase if it's every cycle, but as a 1 off it's likely just one of those things.

@Charley ah okay just it has never happened before and that’s happened in the past two months when ttc now

implantion bleeding usually only happens to 1 in 4 woman and sometimes you can not have it with one pregnancy and then have it with another like i did i had implantation spotting and bleeding days apart 6 weeks going strong 🤞🏼🌈

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