
So I tested positive about 2 weeks ago then I was bleeding a little I was about 6/7 weeks so I retested last week as I just had a bad feeling and it was negative I was devastated so I rang the midwife she said it’s a possible chemical pregnancy and she’s sorry but this week it’s positive again has anyone else had this a postive negative and positive again I’m so confused 🤦🏼‍♀️
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Yeah I've had a chemical pregnancy before, I tested positive too and then negative and remember googling it as I was so confused as it said it was a chemical pregnancy. I caught straight after though with my little girl who's now 2.5 so don't loose hope ❤️ stay positive and just try and enjoy the process xx

So Yh but I tested positive then I tested negative then I’ve tested positive again ? Did you have that?

No I didn't test positive after I tested negative and then had a heavy bleed so knew I had lost the baby. I was around 5-6 weeks. I would just retake to be on the safe side and the call your midwife if that one is still testing positive x

Yh that was my thoughts too thank you xx

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