There’s Power in Letting Go!

I’ve been noticing a trend lately. A trend for myself, but also a trend for my clients. There’s a fear of letting go…letting go of control in our lives. But I’m here to tell you, there is so much power in letting go. People always say things like: - Let go of the expectations we have for ourselves. - Let go of the rules we have for others. - Let go of the requirements from society. But those never feel real for me. I had to go smaller than that, because I needed it to be tangible for my life. Here’s a few of the “rules” I’ve let go of in my life and I’ve never been more at peace: - The rule that I must have a schedule for our homeschool routine. - The rule that I must wake up by a certain time in order to have a beautiful morning routine before the kids wake up. - The rule that I must do the same routines everyday is order to build effective habits. - The rule that my husband should be the one who shows me affection first. - The rule that good moms have spotless organized homes. I’ve let go of quite a few more, but those are the ones I didn’t realize were rolling around in my brain making me miserable. We all go through different seasons on this journey. Some seasons, our marriage is harder. Some seasons, being a mom is harder. Some seasons, just being a human is harder. But every season comes with thoughts that make it that much harder. When you can spot the thoughts that are serving you, you’re that much closer to feeling peace in all seasons. You’ve got this, Mama! Warmly, ~Samantha, The Life Coach for Moms
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