I got a positive pregnancy test & now im not too sure..

I did a few tests of the 6 days early, 3 clear blue and 2 superdrug ones which all said positive or 1-2 weeks. Normal tests are still not showing anything but the faintest line (can barely see it) and I was due on my period today/tomorrow. Is that normal? I know I shouldn’t but I keep testing as it hasn’t sank in yet and keep thinking it’s not happening or that it’s gonna go wrong🥺
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Did you test when you ovulated? If not could be you ovulated late or implanted late? Do you have pictures of the tests? X

@Samantha Yeah i track BBT and ovulation tests and NC said ovulation was 15th (same day i got my peak) because my temperature spiked and the flo app says i ovulated on the 15th. The standard pregnancy tests are definitley positive but just faint and its my first pregnancy so unsure if they get darker every day or if it takes a while. Im currently 3 weeks+6 so still very early days x

@Victoria ah ok! It will depend what tests, if they’re not early detection they’ll be super faint as it is still early. My first positive was on a normal test with my daughter and it was so faint I almost missed it. I tested roughly a week apart and the difference was very noticeable. I’d say give it a few days and you should be a difference. Will allow the HCG to double x

@Samantha yeah i thought that but because iv wanted it so bad its almost like i dont think its real 🙈 i know that sounds crazy 🤣 but yeah ill give it till next week. I was gonna book a hcg blood test, is that what your suppose to do when ya find out your pregnant? Sorry its all new to me i dont have a clue 🙈 xx

Hcg doubles every 2-3 days. If you contact your GP they'll advise on how you go about getting maternity care, different areas and hospitals do different things with regards to signing up as such xx

@Victoria you don’t get a HCG test by default, only if you request one for some reason. That will only tell you if A. You ovulated (depending on how close to ovulation you take the test), or if HCG levels are elevated after your period where usually they would have returned to normal levels. I have chatted to you on a few posts and I believe you are pregnant. I believe working on relaxing and positivity will benefit pregnancy so any work you can do on that the better. In the meantime hun, remember many people don’t get a positive test until 14dpo. Allow those levels to rise by giving it more time, back off from the testing and do your next test / HCG bloods next week. Celebrate where you are now girl as it’s amazing!!

@Billie here, you usually get a number to leave a voicemail on with your details and you get a call in a few weeks to register with the midwife officially and you get a scan date via letter in the post. I didn’t get a scan until gone 14 weeks but thankfully had a private early scan 😊

@Yog it varies.. one hospital where I am you refer yourself online, the other you have to do a call x

I didn’t get a positive until 11 days after my period was late on my first pregnancy and even then the line was so faint I could hardly see it, I did a clear blue and it was a bit darker but not massively and I never tested again after that and my pregnancy was fine xx

@Yog aww thanks so much! Its such a happy time but for some reason i just feel super nervous 🙈 Were so lucky falling pregnant in our third month of trying when people have trouble for years and i just keep feeling like its too good too be true 🥺 But definitely need to just relax and be chilled haha ☺️

You are fortunate and deserve to feel amazing. I had less than 1% chance of getting to live birth and those odds helped me enjoy it as i wanted to celebrate my baby for as long as i was blessed to be pregnant and hopefully beyond. I would have hated to have worried my time away. Take time for you to feel good, you really do deserve it.

@Victoria that makes perfect sense don’t worry, not crazy! 😂 so you don’t get a HCG blood test unless there was something wrong, it’s not what they do in the uk. You would need to register with the midwives & then you’ll get a booking appointment to go through all your details and after that your 12 week scan will be booked xx

@Samantha you can request a HCG blood test from your doctor if you want one, most will do it if you ask. The nurse will do it for you but you need to get an appointment asap as my doctors it takes a while purely to have someone available. You get the results in a day or two.

@Yog it’s not standard tho. My doctors refused to do one even when I was suspecting a loss (turned into a loss). Because it’s not standard they typically won’t do it but obviously some doctors will do it but in my experience they don’t just do it. I didn’t have my HCG checked my full pregnancy with my daughter, nurses or midwives never done this. The normal process is to get referred/self refer to midwives and then they’ll do your 8 week booking appointment and book in your 12 week scan.

@Samantha absolutely. I didn’t have my HCG checked with my first either. I’m sad they wouldn’t check you. I had one recently with no trouble, I just messaged triage and mentioned I’d had a confusing urine test and could they determine pregnancy via bloods and I was straight in. It’s always worth asking to see if they will, but I agree it’s most likely not standard. Xxx

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@Yog triage is different, gps are crap with all things pregnancy but definitely easier via triage. Although it depends who you get 😂

@Samantha I find females more helpful then males I’m sad to say!

Are you getting on ok @Victoria ?

@Yog yeahh so far so good, i haven’t had any symptoms at all and iv still done the odd pregnancy test. Im 5wk+2 today so think bit early for symptoms? 🙈 This may be a daft question but if people have a miscarriage or chemical pregnancy etc would they have pain and bleeding etc? Like im thinking would i know if it hasnt progressed properly 🤔 x

@Victoria they can happen quickly or HCG levels rise slowly where a miscarriage is expected. You have no reason to think that so invest all that good energy into baby! You deserve this time to be special. I didn’t have any symptoms at all throughout my pregnancy so you might not get any. I was thankful for no morning sickness but for my pals who did have it, at least they had that reassurance pregnancy was very real for them.

@Yog yeah its almost like i want symptoms for the reassurance 😂 iv got an early scan booked on 23rd so hopefully that goes well. I wanna have the scan before i tell our close family but im so excited to tell them 🙈x

@Victoria that’s very exciting for you! I remember having to wait for mine to make sure the little one was in the right place and it’s so nice when you see them and get that confirmed. 😊 You’re starting it as a mummy, it’s natural to want to know everything is ok. Please do look after yourself as that’s what helps baby(ies) too ☺️

@Yog thanks so much for your help ☺️ its lovely that people on here are so caring and happy to give advice to others! X

@Victoria absolute pleasure. Those stuff is hard xx

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