Blood test results

So currently 9 weeks pregnant with my second baby. I’ve been suffering horribly with sickness. I had all the normal blood tests done at my booking appointment on Friday which the doctor has checked today during an appointment regarding my sickness (we are trying to find a medicine that helps) Doctor said that I had raised white cell count.. and has asked for another blood test to check everything is okay. Has anyone has raised white cells during pregnancy and everything been okay. Because I’m currently sitting here in a worry bubble thinking the worst possible scenario.
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Look up hyperemesis gravidarum It’s what I had and it was horrible, I went through a few different medications for sickness but the only one worked can caused birth defects if taken before 12 weeks so I had to hold off and ride it out, but I was sick for 8 months and it came back in labour Ginger biscuits Sickness wrist bands Eat little and often Hydrate Really work I’m hoping for a different pregnancy this time round, I was sick with my first from 4 weeks

I had been sent for a second test two or three times with my first due to the same. Midwife explained there was nothing to worry about and my body was just likely fighting infection or something. It was cleared every time by the second blood test but I was absolutely fed up with them. Interestingly, I found when doing the blood test in the morning on an empty stomach had normal count... Doctors told me that wasn't the reason but I remember reading something relevant at the time. All in all pregnancy and baby weren't affected at all by this white blood cells count.

It’s probably a little infection. I had raised white cells yesterday and have been given antibiotics for a UTI.

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