Am I pregnant?

I have done 3 tests over the last 2 days and all had very faint, but definitely there, positive lines. However I did a digital this morning also which said not pregnant. I’m hoping I’m just to early for the digital to detect but also trying not to get to excited yet.
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How many days until you're supposed to get your period or how many days late are you?

@Daina my cycle is quite irregular but my app says I’m not due to start my period for 4 days.

I would wait to miss your scheduled period and try again. And then just keep testing probably once a week over a 2 week span, and if you still haven't gotten a positive or started your period, then maybe check in with your doctor!

With my first i tested 5 days late. I had 4 negatives and then tested at 10 days on digital and came back positive

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